Gujarat: 63-year-old man poses as college student, traps young girls online | Rajkot News – Times of India

RAJKOT: A 63-year-old man was arrested on Sunday for uploading nude pictures of a 20-year-old college girl on social media in Jamjodhpur town of Jamnagar district.
Accused Rasik Vadaliya, a farmer from Siddhsar village of Jamjodhpur, was arrested based on a complaint filed on August 4 by the first-year college student after her nude pictures went viral.
Investigation revealed that Vadaliya had targeted three other college-going girls besides the complainant.
During the investigation, it came to light that the person with whom the girl used to interact online on Instagram, was, in fact, not a college student but a 63-year-old farmer from Siddhsar village.
Vadaliya had created an Instagram profile where he posed as a college student under the name of Rushi Patel.
Police said that Vadaliya was influenced by some of the web series he had watched online. He created a fake profile and also followed college girls and somehow managed to get their details like name and phone number.
He then uses these details to send them an online friend request and starts chatting with them.
After befriending the girls online, Vadaliya would ask them to send their nude pictures. Some of the girls fell prey to Vadaliya’s sinister plan.
Once Vadaliya got a girl’s nude pictures he would blackmail her to introduce him to other college girls. He also threatened to make their nudes viral if they did not follow his instructions.
Jamnagar cybercrime police inspector P P Jha said that Vadaliya was actively pursuing his perversion for two years now.
“It was only after one of the victims filed a complaint, that Vadaliya got exposed. Based on his Instagram ID and the IP address we traced Vadaliya to Siddhsar village and arrested him,” Jha told TOI.
“We have also found pictures of three other girls from the mobile phone that Vadaliya used to chat with the girls,” he said, adding that the farmer only targeted college-going girls.
Vadaliya, who has studied till class 10, was booked under various sections of IT Act and Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections 354 (outraging modesty of women) and 500 (defamation).
Police said that the accused lives with his wife in Siddhsar village, while his son works with an IT firm in Ahmedabad. Cops are now trying to find more details of other girls that the accused may have targeted over the past two years.