Gujarat: 15% Science Repeaters Pass in Class 12th | Ahmedabad News – Times of India

Ahmedabad: Gujarat Secondary And board of higher secondary education (GSHSEB) declared the class 12 science result for repeaters, where only 15.32% of the total students have cleared the exam. Out of 30,343 students who took the exam, only 4,649 have passed.
This year, the board had canceled the final examinations of both class 10 and class 12 for regular students.
For Class 12 Group A boys, 1,130 or 14.53% of the 7,777 repeaters who took the test passed them. In the case of Class 12 Group A girls, the percentage was 297 out of 1,425 or 20.84% ​​who had passed the exam.
same was the case for Group B candidates Where girls outnumber boys. Out of 9,554 boys who took the exam in Group B, 1,151 passed them representing 12.05%. In the case of girls, 2,071 or 17.89% out of 1,1578 who took the test passed the exam.
In the case of Group AB, none of the nine candidates passed.
“Some people demanded massive promotion for class 12 repeaters. Looking at the results of the examination, it is good that such a decision was not taken. Had this been the case, many ineligible candidates would have passed out and taken admission in colleges for higher studies,” said an expert.
For the regular students, the board had decided to release the result based on the internal assessment criteria.


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