Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 review: An emotional wrap


The film, surprisingly, stars Bradley Cooper and Sean Gunn.

Publish Date – 07:00 AM Sun – 7 May 23

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.  3 Review: An Emotional Wrapper

The Guardians – Peter Quill/Starlord (Chris Pratt), Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista), Nebula (Karen Gillan), Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel) and Mantis (Pom Klementieff) – have invaded the planet Know their house has been built.

Peter is saddened that Gamora no longer remembers their love and becomes the real Devadas. Adam Warlock (Will Poulter) arrives to take Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper) back to his mentor, the High Evolutionary / Dr. Herbert Wyndham (Chukudi Iwuji).

High Evolutionary aims to make the world a ‘perfect place’. He crosses all limits of human and animal experimentation for his goals. Rocket is seriously injured and has only 48 hours to live. Only the High Evolutionary has the source code that can save the rocket. Will the Guardians be able to save Rocket, that’s what the movie is about. Director James Gunn focuses on Rocket and his backstory in Vol. 3. The MCU desperately needed it after the Quantamania debacle.

Gunn makes sure the 150-minute walk always moves at pace, and you don’t see a dull moment. To say Chris Pratt is ideal for the role is an understatement. He has proved time and again that he can be a joker and an action hero at the same time. Stars like Pom Klementieff, Dave Bautista and Karen Gillian make the most of their final appearances as Guardians.

The film, surprisingly, deals with Bradley Cooper and Sean Gunn who plays young Rocket and he delivers. Marvel created characters to talk about friendship and doing good. This is a perfect example of this. You have a cybernetic assassin, a talking tree, a raccoon with the intelligence of a genius, a literal destroyer, and an insectoid coming together as a family.

What began as a group of homeless and lonely people now reflects the value of family and friendship. It’s the kind of farewell Gunn deserves. The characters have also evolved since the first installment in 2014. The Guardians were always misfits. Gunn makes sure to point out that misfits can fit well together. Don’t miss it Check it out for the Gunn!!