Government’s ‘Warning’ for Google Chrome Users

The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), part of the IT Ministry, has issued a ‘high severity’ warning to Google Chrome internet browser users. According to the advisory, several vulnerabilities have been found in the Google Chrome browser and these can be exploited by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the target PC.

The attacker can gain access to personal data and also inject malware to spy on the targeted PC. Google has already released a fix for these vulnerabilities in its latest software update for Chrome and it is highly recommended that Google Chrome users upgrade to the latest version soon.

Google recently announced that the Chrome Stable Channel for Windows, Mac and Linux has been updated to 96.0.4664.93. The update is already available for the users. Google also said that “The Extended Stable Channel has also been updated to 96.0.4664.93 for Windows and Mac which will be rolling out in the coming days/weeks.”

Google acknowledged that the latest Chrome update includes 22 security fixes, many of which were highlighted by “external researchers.”

CERT-In said in the TS advisory, “Several vulnerabilities exist in Google Chrome due to type confusion in v8. Incorrect security UI in autofill; Heap buffer overflow in extensions, BFCache and ANGLE; Type confusion in loader; Insufficient data validation; Integer underflow in angle and insufficient validation of untrusted input in new tab page.

Warning users, CERT-In said, “A remote attacker can exploit these vulnerabilities by luring the victim to visit a specially crafted web page. Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on a target system. ,

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