Government failed to manage second wave: Political analyst, Sanjay Jha to Kailashnath Adhikari

Attacking Narendra Modi led the government to mishandle Covid-19 and in large numbers. The deaths, astronomically high fuel prices, rising inflation and unemployment have failed citizens, political analyst Sanjay Jha said.

The central government handled Kovid wrongly. Since March 2020, there have been more than 4 lakh deaths, 31 million people have been affected, people have died due to lack of oxygen supply, lack of vaccine, non-availability of ICU beds, bodies floating in the Ganges etc.

“Every human life matters. People will not forget this psychological nightmare. The state has failed the citizens. The political fervor and administrative incompetence of Mr. Modi and the BJP has claimed innocent lives.’

He was in a freewheeling chat with Kailashnath Adhikari, MD, Governance Now, during a webcast of the Visionary Talk series organized by the Public Policy and Governance Analysis Platform.

It is morally responsible to hold Narendra Modi responsible for the spread of the virus at the Kumbh Mela, which was attended by lakhs of people who spread it to different parts of the country, when the Uttarakhand government as well as the central government actually The event was postponed for a year. It also said that the death figures across the country have been fabricated and spoofed. He said the government failed to open up the society and economy when herd immunity was not achieved. He said the government could have taken the primary knowledge from the US, Britain and Europe to take lessons… that it is likely to come back again. “This government has thrown India into a great disaster. This is a surrender regime” he said.

Speaking on the astronomical rise in fuel prices, Jha said that when global crude oil prices rise, the government raises fuel prices, but when global crude oil prices are low, they do not reduce costs. “It is the chief I win. The tail you lose. The government is cold, hard, cunning and calculating”.

He also asked that when the government earns Rs 5 lakh crore annually through excise duty, where does it go. “Are you transparent? How deceitful can you be? This is political immorality at its worst.”

Jha, who is the former president of the All India Professionals Congress and executive director of Dale Carnegie Training Operations in India, also asked how the economy will boom unless the government puts money in the hands of the people. There is a demand problem. You have to put money in common man’s pocket while this government is trying to boost supply by giving tax exemption and loan guarantee to the people which is not the way forward. the price of oil is rising inflationary. “Today the poorest man and richest man of the country is paying the equivalent of petrol or diesel per liter. This is regressive, serious inequality. ”

Responding to a question whether he sees an alternative to PM Narendra Modi in the 2024 parliamentary elections, Jha said out of India’s 140 crore people there is no leader other than Modi, undermining the intelligence of India’s entire political ecology. The system is to be judged. The opposition, including the Congress, has now allowed such a person to play that role.

“The Congress has at least 4-5 solid, talented, formidable people who can both lead the party and should the party be opposed to form the government in 2024 along with other opposition parties. Congress has to wake up and smell the coffee because right now people are very open to change saying they want to see the opposition and Congress presents an alternate narrative. We are rather taking BJP for a walk in the park.

Jha said the Congress party not only needed a surgical operation, but could also do with a transplant as the old party felt that some had got some diseases; Of course self-styled. He said the party needs to re-energize itself completely, a massive infusion of energy, ideas and aspirations is needed. Despite the fact that this is an excellent party with great talent, it is not fighting enough. Recently, the defeat of the Congress has lowered the morale of the party.

He said that the party about which he has spoken, there is a lack of leadership. Political events in Punjab reflect the fact that the top is in limbo. However, he added that there is a great opportunity for the Congress to present itself as an alternative government after Mr Modi’s horrific handling of the pandemic.

He said the BJP has extensive control over social media and mainstream television channels. “When you have social media army spreading fake news on Twitter and Facebook and now on WhatsApp and if you are not able to attack BJP on all fronts including its very popular and brilliant communicator.

Giving his views on the famous Mumbai model of tackling Covid, Jha said that it did well. However, he added that Mumbai would remain susceptible due to its population density and limited area. Unless people are vaccinated at a rapid pace, even a single super spreader incident will bring trouble.


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