Google working on a new app to help people with speech disabilities – Times of India

Google working on Android An app called Relay to help people with speech disorder. The purpose of the app is to help people with speech disorders communicate and interact with others more easily google assistant,
According to the company, the app is made possible by over one million speech samples recorded by participants of the company’s research efforts. The app is still in development and not yet available to download. The company is currently looking for English-speaking testers in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States to try the app and provide feedback.
As early testers on Project Relay, people would be asked to record a set of phrases. The app will use these phrases to automatically learn how to better understand unique speech patterns, and provide access to the app’s three main features: Listen, Repeat and Assist.
The listening feature on the app transcribes speech to text in real time, so users can copy-paste the text into other apps or read people what they want to tell them.
The repeat feature restores what the user has said using a synthesized voice. This feature can be helpful in face-to-face conversations or even when a user wants to speak a command to a home assistant device. The Assistant feature lets users talk directly to Google Assistant from within the respective app.
“In creating the app, we worked closely with several people, including Aubrey Lee, a brand manager at Google whose speech is affected by muscular dystrophy. I am used to seeing people’s faces,” Aubry shared with us. , when they don’t understand what I said.” “Project Relations can make the difference between a look of confusion and a friendly laugh of recognition.” Since Aubry works on a marketing team naming new products, He even helped us name the app!” Google wrote in the blog where it revealed plans regarding the app.
