Google Translate can be used without Internet, steps inside

Google Translate Offline: Search engine giant Google has made the task of translation from one language to another very easy with its Google Translate platform. Users can translate websites and real-time conversations in different languages ​​into their own language. This powerful service of Google can be used even without internet.

Google Translate is a free tool that gives users the option to translate in over 100 languages. Like Google Maps, the translation service can also be used in offline mode. Users need to download the language packs of the languages ​​they want to translate without internet. Especially in the case of traveling to a new place, this feature can prove to be very useful.

How to use Google Translate offline

First of all, you need to log in to the device with the help of Google account, which will give you the option to download and access the language pack. Along with this, storage space will also be required in the phone or device. You have to follow the steps mentioned below.

  1. First download and install Google Translate app from Google Play Store or Apple App Store and login with your Google Account.
  2. After opening the app, go to Settings and tap on the ‘Offline translation’ option.
  3. Now select the languages ​​in which you want to translate offline without internet and download their language packs.
  4. Once this pack is downloaded, you will be able to translate without internet connectivity.

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