Google Reportedly Testing New Search Experience With ChatGPT-Like Chatbot Called ‘Apprentice Bard’

edited by: Shaurya Sharma

Last Update: February 01, 2023, 16:55 IST

Google's Apprentice Bard is reportedly very reminiscent of ChatGPT.

Google’s Apprentice Bard is reportedly very reminiscent of ChatGPT.

Google may be working on a new search experience—with an entirely new design that could feature a ChatGPT-like chatbot called ‘Apprentice Bard’.

With OpenAI and Microsoft joining hands, rivals like Google are testing new ways to combat this suddenly introduced disruption. Google has not only declared ChatGPT a ‘code red’, but has also reportedly ramped up testing to introduce a new Google search experience powered by ChatGPT-like gestures and design.

According to a CNBC report, Google is working on a revamped search experience – with a brand new design that may feature a chatbot called ‘Apprentice Bard’. The chatbot is based on LaMDA—Google’s own language model similar to GPT 3.5 from OpenAI, but unlike GPT 3.5, Google’s LaMDA has a more recent database, and isn’t limited to 2021.

Google is moving with caution in the AI ​​space, noting the potential for ‘reputational risk’ unlike OpenAI, which as a young startup is taking a bold approach.

Apprentice Bard is reportedly very reminiscent of ChatGPT—users can type a question into a dialog box and receive a response. And, as mentioned earlier, Apprentice Bard can answer with more recent facts and data. In fact, Google “employees have seen Apprentice Bard’s responses become more advanced in recent weeks.”

Additionally, Google may also experiment with different designs for its home page—including one that combines an ‘I’m feeling lucky’ button with five different prompts for suggested questions. transforms. The design language is similar to ChatGPT’s homepage.

“When a query is entered, search results show a gray bubble directly below the search bar, providing more human-like responses than normal search results. Just below that, the page shows several follow-ups related to the first one.” Suggests questions. Underneath that, it shows general search results, including links and headlines, according to CNBC.

It remains uncertain when Google will introduce the new interface or its LaMDA technology-powered Apprentice Bard chatbot. However, with a ‘code red’ now in place, the company may move to roll out these updates sooner.

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