Google Chrome Hit Century: Top 5 of Google Chrome Version 100 That Will Help You Browse the Internet Better

Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers. It is also the browser that provides the users with a plethora of features to make their browsing easier and more comfortable. Google Chrome is now getting a milestone update as Google Chrome version 100 has started rolling out to the users. The new update brings a new design, features, as well as removes some unnecessary tools. The new update also gives Google Chrome a new logo that comes with a minor update that makes the blue dot at the center of the logo slightly larger. Let’s take a look at some of the key features that Google is bringing with the 100th version of Google Chrome.

new google chrome icon

new icon for Google Chrome Simplified version of the existing logo. The new icons are designed to better align with GoogleA more modern brand expression, chrome designer Alvin Hu said while unveiling the new logo design. The logo now has bright colors and no shadows.

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[h4]1. No More Lite Mode for Google Chrome Users on Mobile[/h4]

with chrome 100, Google is also removing Lite Mode for Android and iOS users. light mode on Google Chrome There is a data saving mode that loads pages faster and uses up to 60 percent less data. However, with the internet getting cheaper and faster over the years, Google says that Lite Mode is not used as much anymore and hence the company has decided to remove it from Chrome 100.

2. Apps on Google chrome will detect multiple displays

Version 100 of Google Chrome also comes with a multi-screen window placement API that allows web apps running on Google Chrome to automatically detect multiple displays when connected to your PC.

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3. Update Security on Google Chrome

Google Chrome, being the most used browser, is also full of bugs and security issues. With Google Chrome 100, Google has addressed a number of security issues. The company has said that Google Chrome version 100 comes with 28 security fixes.

4. Google Chrome Content Integration with You Android

Some changes have also been made to the Android app for Google Chrome 100. It now supports the Android 12 material you designed in more places. Dynamic color is now used in Google Chrome’s overflow menu and settings page, instead of just a light or gray background Android,

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5. New shortcut to mute Google chrome tabs

Version 100 of Google Chrome also comes with a new mute button on tabs. This feature will allow users to mute playing audio in any website with a single click. Google Chrome has already displayed a speaker icon on websites that play audio. With version 100, that loudspeaker icon becomes a button to mute audio. To enable it, users have to go to chrome://flags > Tab audio muting UI control > Enable . will go on

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