Good news on Delta + variant: AIIMS Chief said – Vaccine mixing is also an option for protection from Delta +, it can increase immunity, but research is necessary now

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  • Mixing Corona Vaccine Latest News Updates; AIIMS Chief Dr Randeep Guleria, AIIMS Chief, AIIMS by including Corona Vaccine

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Mixing of vaccines can be an option to fight against more aggressive variants of Corona like Delta and Delta Plus. This is to say that Dr. Randeep Guleria, Chief of AIIMS. He said that this can certainly be a way out, but before any decision on this, we will need more data.

Last month, the government also said that it was considering the option of mixing vaccines. NITI Aayog member VK Paul had said that we can take these steps to protect against mutated variants and increase the coverage of the vaccine. Test results on this are expected in a few months.

Talking to the news website NDTV, Dr. Guleria said that initial studies say that mixing vaccines can also be an option, but now we need data. Research is still needed on which combination will be good. But yes, it is definitely a possibility. Experiments are also being done in other countries on the mixture of vaccines.

Single dose not enough against Delta: Guleria
Dr. Guleria said that a single dose may not be enough against the delta variant. Research also says that a single dose gives up to 33 percent protection. Up to 90 percent of people are safe when both doses are given. Guleria said that it is a matter of concern for us that the first dose may not be enough against the delta variant. In such a situation, we need to be given another dose. But it will have to be given much in advance, so that security can be ensured.

He said that for now our eyes are on the new strain of Delta variant. We are monitoring the Delta Plus variant very closely. Right now the Delta Plus is not that effective, but the Delta variant is. We need to track Delta Plus cautiously. Its genome sequencing is needed to know how it is affecting our population.

Published two reports on vaccine mixing

  • First: A British study was published last month in The Lancet Journal. In this, first people were given a dose of Astragenica i.e. Coveshield. After this the second dose of Pfizer was given. It did have side effects for a while, but they were very mild. However, data on its effect is yet to be found.
  • Second: Earlier, a study conducted in Spain revealed that CoveShield and Pfizer were found to be safe and effective when combined.

The possibility of the third wave being as dangerous as the second wave is less – Guleria
Dr. Guleria said that there is a lot of debate going on in the country regarding the third wave that the third wave will be more dangerous than the second. I think the coming wave will not be that bad. We have to learn from the second wave and deal with the third wave. A study by ICMR and UK’s Imperial College London indicates that the third wave will prove to be very bad only when the immunity currently facing it reaches a very bad state.

On the doubts being expressed about the existing vaccine against Delta Plus, Guleria said that we need more data on how the new variant has the ability to survive. Get rid of these fears and get the vaccine first. If you have had both doses of the vaccine, you may be infected, but the effect will be minimal.

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