Glowing skin for rising hormones: How to get pregnant fast by paying attention to these eight ovulation signs

let's talk sex

Sex may be pervasive in our popular culture, but conversations about it are still associated with stigma and shame in Indian homes. As a result, most individuals dealing with sexual health issues or trying to find information about sex often resort to unverified online sources or follow unscientific advice from their friends.

To dispel widespread misinformation about sex, is running this weekly sex column titled ‘Let’s Talk Sex’ every Friday. We hope to start the conversation about sex and address sexual health issues with scientific insight and nuance through this column.

The column is being written by Sexologist Prof (Dr) Summary Jain. In today’s column, Dr. Jain talks about the signs of ovulation.

The first step in a woman’s pregnancy journey is knowing when she is most fertile in her period. Although fertile days are not clear, there are some signs to look out for to identify fertility. These changes occur in the body until the release of an egg cell (known as ovulation). Every woman is different and her experience of ovulation is unique to her.

ovulation window

On average, a woman with a regular cycle ovulates sometime between day 11 and day 21 of her cycle. (Day 1 is the day you get your period.) This means that a woman’s most fertile days will be between day 8 and day 21.

If your cycle is on the shorter side, you are more likely to ovulate closer to day 11. If you have long periods, ovulation may occur closer to day 21. But the “sometime” between Day 11 and Day 21 is quite a long distance. Some ovulation signs indicate that ovulation is approaching. This allows you to have sex in time for pregnancy. Others tell you that ovulation has passed. It can be reassuring, convincing you that you ovulated. Here are some signs of ovulation.

symptoms of ovulation

Determining your exact ovulation day can be difficult, but there are many ways to tell when you are at your most fertile point in your cycle. Here are some signs that ovulation is coming or that ovulation has just happened.

increased sexual desire

Also known as libido, sex drive refers to our desire for sex and can fluctuate throughout menstruation. The increase in libido is linked to the hormone estrogen, which is higher in the days before ovulation.

increase in energy level

As the fertile window approaches, the increase in activity level isn’t limited to the bedroom. In fact, we are likely to feel at our best in the days leading up to ovulation. Energy levels are high, so this is a great time to take on new challenges or find that motivation to push for something you need to stay on top of your game!

change cervical mucus

Like your sex drive and energy level, cervical mucus levels also flow throughout the cycle. In the days before ovulation, this discharge becomes clear, and is very stretchy with high water content. Cervical mucus with this consistency is sometimes called “egg white” cervical mucus and is often a sign that ovulation day is approaching.

glowing color

There is a link between your skin and hormones. In the days before ovulation, some women experience clearer skin and a brighter complexion due to the presence of estrogen. Others may get an occasional breakout around ovulation day instead. These breakouts are caused by the increased levels of progesterone that accompany ovulation. However, we are more likely to experience patchy skin just after ovulation when estrogen levels drop, but those progesterone levels remain high.

feeling pain

It’s not all high sex drive, boundless energy and beautifully clear skin. Some women also experience some pain as a sign of ovulation. Breast tenderness is a common symptom on the day of ovulation, and some women also experience one-sided abdominal pain known as ovulation pain or Mittelschmerz, which occurs when an egg is released from the ovary.

rising hormones

So far, we’ve covered the signs of ovulation that can be seen or felt directly. The problem with predicting ovulation with the above five signs is that they are all highly subjective, and not everyone experiences them. However, there are other biological changes taking place in the female body that are easier to measure and can help us determine the day of ovulation.

increase in body temperature

However one way to confirm ovulation is by measuring basal body temperature. due to changes in hormones

Which happens around ovulation, our resting body temperature rises. To measure this, you need to use a sensitive thermometer that shows two decimal places and measure first thing in the morning before getting out of bed.

Ovulation is not the only key to conception

We hope you enjoyed reading about the signs and symptoms of ovulation. You can use what you learned about ovulation to get pregnant fast. That said, even if your fertility is “perfect,” don’t expect to conceive in your first month of trying.

However, ovulation is not the only key to conception. This is just one part of the puzzle. The health of the overall reproductive system in both partners is also important. If you’re struggling to conceive, and you’re pretty sure you’re ovulating, don’t assume it means everything is fine. Visit a doctor and get tested. The good news is that most couples with fertility challenges will be able to get pregnant with the help of fertility treatments.

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