Glasses or Contacts? what is better for your eyes

    If you too are confused about what to choose, then we have made it a little easier for you.

If you too are confused about what to choose, then we have made it a little easier for you.

The advantages and disadvantages of glasses and contact lenses are listed as per the information shared by EyeQ.

The choice of whether to wear glasses or contact lenses for vision correction depends on personal preferences, such as one’s lifestyle, comfort, convenience and even budget. Both glasses and contact lenses have their advantages and disadvantages in terms of ease of use, vision and eye health. If you too are confused about what to choose, then we have made it a little easier for you. There are several advantages, as well as, disadvantages associated with glasses and lenses, as shared by EyeQ.

Advantages of glasses:

  1. Wearing glasses reduces the need to touch the eyes, which reduces the chances of eye irritation or eye infections.
  2. Glasses do not exacerbate the problem if a person has dry or sensitive eyes.
  3. They are really budget friendly when compared to contact lenses
  4. Frames are fashionable and can even enhance a person’s personality and style.
  5. Glasses provide protection from wind, dust and debris.
  6. If you have to work on the screen for long hours, the glasses come with an ultraviolet guard that protects the retina from harmful UV rays emitted by laptops and screens.

Disadvantages of glasses:

  1. Glasses are about 12 mm, which is about half an inch from the eye, so your peripheral vision may be distorted.
  2. People also face difficulty in focusing on objects and blurred vision when they first start wearing glasses.
  3. While glasses enhance one’s personality, many people do not like how they look after wearing glasses. They feel that it diminishes the beauty of their face or hides their features. In some cases, glasses can make the eyes unnaturally small or large.

Benefits of wearing contact lenses

  1. Contacts give a wider field of view and cause fewer vision distortions and obstructions than glasses.
  2. You can play sports, exercise or even dance while wearing contacts.
  3. Contacts are usually not affected by weather conditions and they do not become foggy in cold weather.
  4. People can experiment with different colored lenses.

Disadvantages of contact lenses:

  1. People struggle with putting on and removing contact lenses, however, proper technique and practice can fix this.
  2. Contacts reduce the amount of oxygen reaching the eyes, and can further increase the severity of dry eye syndrome.
  3. Wearing contact lenses aggravates the symptoms of computer vision syndrome.
  4. Contacts require proper lens care as well as cleaning to avoid potentially serious eye infections.
  5. Sleeping with daily wear contacts can make eyes dry, gritty, red and irritated.
  6. Above all, contact lenses are expensive to buy and maintain.

The advantages and disadvantages of glasses and contact lenses are listed as per the information shared by EyeQ.

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