Girls Aloud singer Sarah Harding dies of cancer at the age of 39

Sarah Harding
Image Source: Instagram / Sarah Harding

Sarah Harding

Singer Sarah Harding died on Sunday after a long battle with cancer. Sarah’s mother Mary posted a message on the singer’s Instagram account on Sunday. She wrote: “It is with deep sadness that today I am sharing the news that my beautiful daughter Sarah has sadly passed away. Many of you may be aware of Sarah’s battle with cancer and how she has made her diagnosis. From till his last day he fought so fiercely.”

“She passed away peacefully this morning. I want to thank everyone for their kind support over the past year. It meant the world to Sarah and it gave her so much strength and comfort to know that she is loved had gone.”

Mary ended with: “‘I know she wouldn’t want to be remembered for her fight against this terrible disease – she was a shining shining star and I hope how she can be remembered instead.”


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