Gaming mattress: Move over gaming chairs, a ‘gaming mattress’ has been announced – Times of India

Dedicated and professional gamers know the importance of gaming peripherals. Too often, if the competition is going neck-to-neck, they help their owners win by a small margin. Till now, gaming chairs, desks and related setups were seen as some expensive items when it comes to gaming peripherals. now one ‘gaming mattress‘ has been declared in Japan Aimed to help you play the game more comfortably in bed.
The product is simply called “Gaming Mattress”, which includes “high-quality urethane mattresses that support gamers’ sleeping environment” and is currently being made bauhutteAccording to a report by GameRant, makers of gaming furniture such as gaming desks and chairs. But it will be a Japan-exclusive launch only for now.

The gaming mattress will come in three sizes: single, semi-double and double, with a starting price of $250. Bohutte also covers how a gaming mattress should be used with your gaming setup, with space for a desk and shelves around the mattress.
The novelty factor may be at work for Bohutte here as Japan is a gaming-obsessed country. So much so that at the recently held Olympics, teams were given their own musical themes during the opening ceremony, all taken from video games. Some of the special themes at the opening ceremony included Dragon Quest’s “Theme of Roto”, monster Hunter The series “Evidence of a Hero”, Ace Combat “First Flight”, Kingdom Hearts “Olympus Coliseum”, Final Fantasy “Victory Fanfare”, Chrono Trigger “Theme of the Frog” and Tales from the series “Theme of Sore – The Shepherd”.
