G-20 summit: PM expected to call for joint approach to tackle Afghan crisis

Prime minister Narendra Modi is expected to pitch for a united global approach to deal with the situation in Afghanistan and to meet the challenges of climate change and coronavirus The pandemic, people familiar with the development, said on Sunday at a two-day G20 summit in Italy starting October 30. He said Modi is likely to visit Italy and Scotland on Thursday or Friday.

The G20 Heads of State and Government Summit will be held in Rome on 30 and 31 October, attended by group leaders and representatives of some of the leading international and regional organizations. The G20 leaders are expected to deliberate on several key challenges such as recovering from the coronavirus pandemic, addressing climate change and overcoming poverty and inequality in different parts of the world.

One of the people mentioned above said that the situation in Afghanistan is expected to figure prominently in the summit. Prime Minister Modi is likely to present India’s vision to address the major challenges facing the world and is expected to call for a united approach to tackle the pandemic and climate change along with the situation in Afghanistan .

In a virtual address at the G-20 Extraordinary Summit on Afghanistan earlier this month, Modi called for a unified global response to bring about the desired change in the Afghan situation and said that the region of Afghanistan should not become a source of radicalization and terrorism. . People said that on the sidelines of the G20 summit, Modi will also have several bilateral meetings.

The G-20 is a major global forum that brings together the world’s major economies. Its members account for more than 80 percent of global GDP, 75 percent of global trade and 60 percent of the planet’s population. The forum meets every year since 1999 and has included, since 2008, an annual summit, with the participation of the respective heads of state and government.

Italy has been chairing the G20 since December last year. In Glasgow, Scotland, the prime minister will attend the COP-26 summit, billed as one of the largest gatherings of world leaders and experts in tackling climate change.

The COP-26 climate conference is taking place from October 31 to November 12 and leaders and delegates are expected to discuss ways to bring climate change under control. On Thursday, Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla highlighted India’s climate action in meeting its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) related to the Paris Climate Agreement, said New Delhi with a strong message of full commitment to COP26. intends to leave.

“We are probably the only G-20 country that has completed and outperformed their NDCs,” Shringla said in a virtual address at the India Global Forum.


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