From skin problems to menstrual pain, the bark of the Ashoka tree is the solution to every problem.

Ashoka tree has great importance in Ayurveda. The bark of the Ashoka tree is used to make medicine. Apart from the bark of the Ashoka tree, its flowers and leaves also have great importance in Ayurveda. Its bark can be used to overcome many problems related to women’s health.

According to the report of Only Health, the bark of the Ashoka tree is very useful in the treatment of piles and stomach problems. Apart from this, it can also help in reducing menstrual pain.

Without further ado, let us know about the benefits and uses of Ashoka bark:

The bark of Ashoka is very useful in the treatment of vaginal discharge, also known as pradar. To use it, boil the bark of Ashoka in water and drink it like tea.

Effective in piles: The bark of the Ashoka tree is also used to treat the problem of piles. To use it, take a spoonful of Ashoka bark powder and mix it with honey and water and consume it.

Many skin problems can also be overcome with the bark of the tree. Mixing the powder of Ashoka bark in water, the decoction acts as a blood purifier, which improves the skin. The problem of oily and lifeless skin can also be overcome by its daily consumption.

Relieves Period Pain: It also helps in reducing pain and cramps during periods. You can use Ashoka bark powder to get relief from period pain.

Beneficial for bones: The bark of the Ashoka tree has medicinal properties like flavonoids, tannins and analgesics which are essential elements for bones.

Treats stomach problems Consuming the bark of Ashoka tree helps to kill stomach worms, cures indigestion and also gives relief from constipation.

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