From Semiconductor to Gaming, Applications of 5G Will be Huge in India

Since finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s announcement of 5G rollout by private telecom operators in this year’s Budget, speculations have been made on how the technology would change the digital landscape of India.

There is a clear demand for improved and better infrastructure related to the 5G rollout. But in the 5G era, things cannot stay the same as they were in the 4G period.

For example, to lay fiber or put up other infrastructure, telecom carriers must pay different amounts of money in different states. But most of the time, clearance for infrastructure deployment takes a longer time. So, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is working on a nationwide right of way (RoW) site for speedier infra approvals to ensure that these issues do not arise with 5G.

5G and Semiconductor

Recently in a report released by the India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA), it was predicted that the introduction of 5G in India will raise demand for semiconductors. According to IESA, the semiconductor market in telecom is valued at more than $2 billion, and it is expected to expand by 34% over the next five years.

According to the IESA analysis, the key segments in the Indian semiconductor business are mobile and wearables, IT, and industrial, which will account for around 80% of revenue in 2021.

On December 15, the government had authorized the Semicon India Program with an outlay of Rs 76,000 crore in order to establish a robust and sustainable Semiconductor and Display ecosystem in the country.

The Indian semiconductor industry was worth $27,154 million in 2021, according to the report, and is expected to rise at a CAGR of 16% from 2019 to 2026, reaching $64,050 million in 2026. In 2021, only 9% of India’s semiconductor components were sourced locally.

5G and Digital India

Apart from the semiconductor industry, there are other sectors where experts believe that 5G would cause a significant boost.

Sanjay Baweja, Managing Director & Global CEO, OnMobile Global has recently spoken to News18. He shared his views on the upcoming possibilities linked to the availability of 5G in India and the ongoing digital transformation in the country.

Applications of 5G in India

5G’s high bandwidth, reliability, and low latency owing to its high speed and an immense amount of data packed in the spectrum will effectuate accessibility of education, healthcare, gaming, and entertainment 5G’s high bandwidth, reliability, and low latency owing to its high speed and an immense amount of data packed in the spectrum will effectuate accessibility of education, healthcare, gaming, and entertainment, across the country across the country and encourage industry 4.0 and smart agriculture. Encountering smart cities and homes in this era of advanced AI applications will be given in the future.

5G a Boost for Cloud Gaming

In a 5G world, where network speeds and stability are exponentially better, you will see cloud gaming becoming mainstream.

With more than 3 billion mobile gamers, 5G will help improve the audience experience for mobile game platforms as latency will be further reduced. It will also help high-definition video streaming on the go and AR gaming, going well beyond the limitations posed by currently available technology.

Consumption of Mobile Entertainment in India

In India, consumers of mobile entertainment services are predominantly between 18 and 45 years. The online shift due to the Covid pandemic, availability of higher bandwidth, desired and improved content, and conservation of information integrity show the highest potential for mobile entertainment consumption in the future and hence will see an overall increase in the usage cycle.

What 5G Could Offer to Consumers, Telcos

5G will enable telecom operators to expand, bring about advanced AI applications, and benefit AR and VR. 5G is supposedly 10 times faster than 4G, which will improve gaming, streaming, downloading of content, and mobile gaming. In addition, the evolution of smart cities, remote processing, low latency for media consumption, improved and faster access to services like education and healthcare, and improvement in retail, manufacturing, logistics, and other industrial applications will be an advantage.

Importance of Digital Transformation

India has always been the largest and fastest-growing digital customer market, even before 2020. The Covid pandemic further accelerated this growth as more consumers embraced digital technologies.

Earlier, the companies used traditional channels to communicate with their consumers, but due to digitisation, most of us have adopted the digital channels, and the customers have responded accordingly.

Many organizations have entirely transformed their supply chain management systems. This drastic shift has led to increased job opportunities and new roles in the market. The government’s initiatives and schemes have pushed people to adapt to the changing world and go cashless.

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