‘Free passes got the bulk of R-Day seats in 2019 and 2020’ India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Around 80% of the visitors come here Republic day Celebrations celebrated in New Delhi in 2019 free pass issued by the Govt. Others had to buy tickets priced at Rs 20, Rs 100 and Rs 500, but “without any reserved seats”, according to a series of replies right to Information Question asked by a social worker based in Noida. In 2019, around 32,000 such tickets were sold.
In separate answers to one of Dheeraj Kumar Gupta’s questions, Ministry of Defence has revealed that the estimated seating capacity was around 1.06 lakhs. The government had issued around 1.2 lakh admit cards free of cost to government employees and other employees in both 2019 and 2020. In 2021, there was a drastic reduction in the number of visitors due to the Kovid-19 pandemic and this year it will be much less.
“It is a national festival. Why does the common man have to struggle to get tickets when government officials and VIPs get them easily and that too for free,” said Gupta.
