Frankfurt: Baby born on London-Kochi AI flight; Plane being sent to Frankfurt for medical care of mother and newborn – Times of India

New Delhi: Air IndiaLondon-Kochi flight being diverted on Tuesday frankfurt After the birth of a child on board Boeing 787. The woman went into labor shortly after the plane took off London 1.21 pm (local time in UK) or 6.51 pm IST. A doctor on the plane and the flight’s cabin crew helped deliver the baby. At that point, the plane was over Black Sea On the way to India. Since the newborn and mother needed medical care, the airline decided to head to the nearest airport Frankfurt and turned in that direction. The plane was on its way to Germany at the time of writing this news. AI spokesperson confirmed this.
There are more than 210 people on board, including 193 economy and 11 business class passengers. The aircraft is expected to land in Frankfurt at 11 pm IST. “We have always put the well being of the passengers over the monetary aspects. The moment the baby was born and knowing that our destination was several hours away, we immediately decided to move to Frankfurt,” said one person.
“The human face of Air India became apparent again as a female passenger flying from Kochi to London went into labor in mid-air. Our experienced cabin crew swung into action and identified the doctors on board and sought their help in delivering the baby. To ensure the well-being of the newborn, the flight is being diverted to Frankfurt as a medical emergency, without any commercial consideration on such unscheduled landing,” said a person.
Many AI employees look at both children just before announcing the airline’s prospective buyer, who is likely to be the founder. Tata Group, as a “good sign”. “We look forward to the rebirth of our airline under the new owner, hopefully, Tata. This is the beginning of new beginnings,” said one longtime employee.
