France says Australia hits ‘new low’ leaked Macron texts – Times of India

Canberra: Australia The leaking of French President Emmanuel Macron’s messages to the media is a ‘new low’ and a warning to other world leaders that his personal communications with the Australian government could be weaponized and used against him. Ambassador said on Wednesday.
France’s ambassador to Australia, Jean-Pierre Thébault, addressed the National Press Club of Australia, following Canberra’s decision to cancel a 90 billion Australian dollar ($66 billion) contract with France to build a fleet of 12 diesel-electric submarines. A scathing attack on the surprising decision.
The extraordinarily bitter bilateral dispute has led to calls for re-election by the two national leaders early next year. Doubts are growing as to how effectively the relationship can be reset if both Marcone and Morrison remain in charge.
France is undermining international confidence in Australia as its government tries to finalize a free trade agreement with the European Union.
Australian media reported on Tuesday the contents of a text message sent by Macron to the prime minister Scott Morrison In September in which the French leader asked: ‘Should I expect good or bad news for my combined submarine ambitions?’
Morrison used it as evidence that Macron knew the deal was in doubt after Macron accused the Australian leader of lying during a Paris dinner in June. Macron said Morrison had given him no indication that the deal would not go ahead.
France has condemned the leaks as another breach of trust.
“This is an unprecedented new low, both in terms of how to proceed and also in terms of truth and belief,” Thebault said.
“Doing so… sends a very worrying signal to all heads of state: be careful, there will be leaks in Australia and what you tell your allies with confidence will eventually be used against you and weaponized,” Thebault said.
Instead of providing evidence that Morrison had not lied to Marcone, the message suggested that Australia had left France in the dark.
“It perfectly demonstrated that until the last minute, we had no idea where things were going,” Thebault said. “It totally shows that we were never told anything.”
Australia scrapped the deal when it entered into an alliance with the US and Britain to acquire a fleet of eight nuclear-powered submarines built with American technology.
Morrison says he did not lie to the French leader and it was clear that conventional submarines would not meet Australia’s emerging strategic needs.
Thebault denied Morrison’s account.
“The deception was intentional,” Thebault said. “The way it was handled was clearly a stab in the back.”
The French ambassador agreed with Macron’s assessment that Morrison had lied to him on several occasions.
“Maybe there is a difference between misleading and lying,” Thebault said.
“But, you know, between heads of states and governments, when you mislead a friend and ally, you lie to him,” Thebault said.
Malcolm Turnbull, the Australian prime minister who signed the French submarine contract and considers Macron his personal friend, joined the attack on his successor’s credibility.
“Scott has always been known to lie,” Turnbull told reporters. “He has lied to me on several occasions.”
When asked whether the Prime Minister’s Office had leaked Macron’s message, Morrison did not respond directly.
“I don’t think anyone will benefit from following this path,” Morrison told reporters in the United Arab Emirates.
“Claims were made and claims were denied,” Morrison said. “Australia decided not to proceed with a contract for a submarine that was not going to do what Australia needed it to perform, and I will never apologize for that decision.’
Thebault and Philippe, the French Ambassador to the United States Etienne Paris was recalled following the announcement of Australia’s new nuclear propulsion alliance.
Etienne returned to Washington in September, but Thebault did not return to Canberra until last month.
Thebault said that France, together with the United States, had ‘find a way to act together again’.
The broken submarine contract had postponed EU talks with Australia on a free trade agreement that was set to resume last month.
Thebault said France had “no reason to interfere” in the European Commission talks on behalf of the 27 member states.
He said one of the considerations in reaching such a business deal was “the quality of your partner’s signature”.
