Four including UK’s Ujah suspended for anti-doping violations More sports news – Times of India

British runner chijindu ujaho He is among four athletes who have been suspended for allegedly violating anti-doping rules. Tokyo Olympics, ns athletics integrity unit (AIU) said on Thursday.
Ujah was part of the British team that won a silver medal in the men’s 4x100m relay at the Games.
The other three athletes suspended are Moroccan 1,500m sprinter Sadiq Mikhou, Georgian shot putter Benik Abramian and Kenyan sprinter Mark Otino Odiambo.
In a statement, AIU said it has worked closely with international testing agency Provided intelligence during the Games and to conduct specific target tests on two of the four athletes.
The AIU now awaits the conclusion of the ITA proceedings against the above athletes, which will determine whether any anti-doping rules have been violated and the consequences (if any) in relation to the Olympic Games. should be imposed,” the AIU said. .


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