Formula to erase heart’s distance on Kashmir: Article-371 can become a way to restore confidence in the Valley, it is currently applicable in 11 states

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  • Narendra Modi Kashmir Meeting And Dilli Ki Duri Formula; Article 371 In Jammu And Kashmir

New Delhi4 minutes agoWriters: Mukesh Kaushik/Mohit Kandhari

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A year and 10 months after the abrogation of Article 370 and full statehood from Jammu and Kashmir, Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a marathon meeting of 14 leaders of eight parties of the state at the Prime Minister’s residence on Thursday for three and a half hours. With this meeting, the political situation in the state is expected to return to normal.

After the meeting, the leaders of Kashmir, including Mehbooba Mufti and Omar Abdullah, were adamant on the restoration of Article 370 along with returning full statehood. However, the confidence building formula in the Valley can now become Article 371.

Mehbooba Mufti also raised the issue of talks with Pakistan in the meeting. At the same time, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed on the early completion of the process of delimitation in the state so that the way for elections can be cleared.

Article-371 is applicable in 11 states
According to sources, a middle way has also been found at this crossroads of the standoff. This formula may be to apply special provisions of Article 371 to parts of Jammu and Kashmir instead of the withdrawal of Article 370.

Article-371 is applicable in 11 states of the country including Himachal, Gujarat, Uttarakhand. According to Election Commission sources, the work of delimitation of the state will be completed by August 31. Till then, efforts are on to reach a consensus on the formula of Article 371.

What is Article-371

  • Article 371 is currently applicable in specific areas of 11 states of the country. Under this, according to the situation of the state, there are different provisions everywhere.
  • Under this law in Himachal, no one can buy non-Himachali agricultural land.
  • No non-Mizo tribal can buy land in Mizoram, but the government can acquire land for industries. The local population gets special rights in education and jobs.
  • Under this law the effect of central laws may be limited if they conflict with the traditions of the native population.
  • Such provisions can be implemented in some specific areas of Jammu and Kashmir, which will weaken the demand of the regional parties for the restoration of Article 370.

The reason for the difference of opinion on the delimitation … there will be more seats than Jammu, Kashmiri leaders do not want this

There was no clear consensus on the delimitation formula in the meeting held in Delhi on Thursday. Understand the reason for this…

1. Some assembly seats in the state are to be reserved for STs. i.e. 10-1 for ST in addition to rotation of 7 reserved seats of SC2 Seats can be reserved.
2. State Assembly seats 83 will increase from 90. 24 additional seats remain vacant for Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. The refugees are demanding to reserve one-third of these seats.
3. According to Census-2011, the share of Jammu is 25.93% in area and 42.89% in population. At the same time, the share of Kashmir is 15.73% in area and 54.93% in population.

Why do regional parties object?

  • Parties believe that in the 7 seats of the delimitation, a major part will be from Jammu.
  • There is an objection to the rotation of SC seats, as there are 96.4% Muslims in Kashmir. Having SC seat will not help.
  • They are not in favor of reserving one-third of PoK’s 24 seats for refugees. If this happens the power will be concentrated in J.

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