Foreign troops will be threatened as occupiers: Taliban – Bhaskar Live Hindi News

New Delhi, July 5 | The Taliban told the BBC that any foreign troops in Afghanistan would be at risk as occupiers after the NATO withdrawal deadline in September.

It comes amid reports that up to 1,000 mainly US troops may remain on the ground to guard diplomatic missions and Kabul’s international airport.

NATO’s 20-year military mission in Afghanistan has come to an end. But violence continues to escalate in the country, with the Taliban taking more territory, the BBC reported.

Under a deal with the terrorist group, the US and its NATO allies agreed to withdraw all troops in exchange for the Taliban’s commitment not to allow al-Qaeda or any other extremist group to operate in areas under their control.

President Joe Biden set a deadline of September 11 – the 20-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America – for a full withdrawal of US troops, but reports suggest the pullout could be completed within a few days. is.

As the Afghan military prepares to take responsibility for security alone, there is growing concern for Kabul’s future.

Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen said militarily seizing Kabul was “not the Taliban’s policy”.

But speaking to the BBC from the group’s office in Qatar, he said no foreign forces – including military contractors – should remain in the city after the withdrawal is complete.

“If they withdraw their forces against the Doha Agreement, it will be our leadership’s decision as to how we proceed,” Shaheen told the BBC.

“We will respond and the final decision is to be taken by our leadership,” he said.

Diplomats, NGOs and other foreign nationals would not be targeted by the Taliban, he insisted, and no security forces were needed for them.

“We are against foreign military forces, not diplomats, NGOs and activists and working of NGOs and embassies – that is what our people need. We will not pose any threat to them, “They said.

Shaheen described last week’s withdrawal from Bagram Airfield as a “historic moment” – once the largest US military base in Afghanistan.

But Farzana Kochai, a woman MP, said the withdrawal was being done in an irresponsible manner.

Afghan government spokesman Razwan Murad told the BBC the government was ready for talks and a ceasefire and the Taliban must now prove they are committed to peace.

Shaheen denied that the terrorist group played any role in the recent violence.

He insisted that several districts were subjected to the Taliban through mediation after Afghan troops refused to fight.

On Sunday, the Taliban captured another area in southern Kandahar province. Militants say they now control a quarter of the country’s 400 districts.

A Taliban spokesman described the current government as “death” and referred to the country as an “Islamic Emirate” – a sign that the group envisaged a democratic basis to govern the country and that elections would be held. was unlikely to agree to the demands of the Afghan government.

Meanwhile, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani insisted that the country’s security forces were fully capable of keeping the insurgents at bay, but many believed the withdrawal would put the country back in the grip of the Taliban.

Source: IANS

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