Foods from Indian tales and folktales that bring back nostalgic childhood memories. The Times of India

Commonly known throughout the world as the fruit of jujube, this fruit has a rich history in ancient Indian texts. Talking about Ramayana, one of the epic Indian literature, who would not have heard the story ‘Shabri Ke Ber’. So, the story goes like this. Shabari was a low caste woman with a golden heart, who was a disciple of sage Matanga. When Matang Rishi was leaving for heaven, Shabari had a heartfelt conversation with him and asked him to take him to heaven with him. But, the Matang sage told him, “This is not the time for you to come with me. You will get salvation when you meet Lord Rama.” From that day onwards, Shabari was waiting for Lord Rama and went to the forest daily to call the local Jamun, Ber. One day, Lord Rama reached her hut and asked her to eat something. Then, Shabari fed him a half-eaten berry, to which he said, “Oh my God, I have chosen only sweet berries for you, I have tasted every berry to make sure that I have brought only the sweetest berries. ” So, Lord Rama lovingly ate those sweet berries and Shabari got salvation.