Flipkart Daily General Knowledge Quiz July 29, 2021: Get answers to these five questions to win gift and discount vouchers – Times of India

Flipkart Daily Trivia Quiz is now live. The quiz is available on the mobile app of Flipkart. It offers participants a chance to win gifts, discount coupons and flipkart super coins.
To win these prizes, all questions in the quiz must be answered correctly. Flipkart Daily Trivia Quiz has five questions based on General Knowledge and Current Affairs.
The quiz is available on the Flipkart app under the Games Zone section. In each question there are four options to choose the correct answer.
Only the first 50,000 participants will be eligible for the quiz prize.
Here are five questions from today’s quiz along with their answers

  1. The US Federal Aviation Administration has banned its carriers from flying over?
  2. Which company has recently become the most valuable US automaker?
  3. Who has been named as the new chief of Iran’s Quds Force?
    ismail ghani
  4. Which fort was the capital of Mewar kingdom from 8th to 16th century?
  5. The world’s tallest currently active geyser Steamboat Geyser is in which country?


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