Five things you should never hide from your gynecologist

Maintaining sexual health is just as important as taking care of your physical or mental health. For the well being of your sexual and reproductive health, and for any issues related to that area, visiting a gynecologist is essential. When discussing your health concerns with the gynecologist, it is imperative that you be honest and open about your issues. Don’t be embarrassed or apprehensive about your fertility and sexual experiences when talking to a gynecologist.

Here are five things you should always share with your gynecologist:

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, if you are experiencing unusually excruciating pain during periods, you should inform your gynecologist. It is normal to experience cramps, breast pain and headache during menstruation. However, it is not normal when your periods are extremely painful or get worse over time. This could be a symptom of endometriosis or uterine fibroids. Shari Lawson, a gynecologist by profession, tells Johns Hopkins Medicine, “It’s important to talk to your doctor about this, as there are many solutions that can make these conditions more manageable. You don’t have to suffer in silence. is not needed. “

Tell your gynecologist about your experiences during intercourse if they have been uncomfortable and painful. Some individuals have vaginal dryness, which makes them feel uncomfortable. Johns Hopkins Medicine states that this may be due to low estrogen levels in the body. “It’s important to talk to your doctor if you’re having pain with intercourse in any case, lubricants don’t help with vaginal dryness or bleeding after intercourse,” says Lawson.

If you have noticed an unusual smell coming from your vagina that was not there before, you should go to the gynecologist. It can be an uncomfortable topic, but a gynecologist is trained to address such matters. A foul odor or fishy smell from your vagina can be a matter of concern and one should consult their gynecologist.

  • Vulva. bumps and growths near

If you are noticing some bumps, or some sore growth in your vulva, you should consult a gynecologist. It could be a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) such as herpes, or warts, Lawson mentions. It is therefore imperative that you be honest about your sexual history with your gynecologist.

Women and those with vaginal bleeding who are experiencing urinary or fecal incontinence should miss an appointment with their gynecologist. Such experiences can be very stressful and affect your quality of life. These symptoms are quite common after childbirth, especially if a large baby or vaginal delivery requires forceps or a vacuum. According to Lawson, “Depending on the nature of the incontinence, medical or surgical management options may be available. By talking to your gynecologist, she can determine the appropriate treatment protocol and refer you to a pelvic floor disorder specialist if necessary. Can send.”

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