Five expert tips to help you make Christmas fun with your partner

let's talk sex

Sex may be pervasive in our popular culture, but conversations about it are still associated with stigma and shame in Indian homes. As a result, most individuals dealing with sexual health issues or trying to find information about sex often resort to unverified online sources or follow unscientific advice from their friends.

To dispel widespread misinformation about sex, is running this weekly sex column titled ‘Let’s Talk Sex’ every Friday. We hope to start the conversation about sex with this column and address issues of sexual health with scientific insight and nuance.

This column is being written by Sexologist Prof. (Dr.) Saransh Jain. In today’s column, Dr. Jain shares some tips to spice up your sex life and make the most of the Christmas holidays.

Often we are so busy with the things going on in our everyday lives that we put intimacy in the back seat. So to keep the fire burning, you have to find ways to get in the mood and make a conscious effort. Here is a list of things that you can do to spice up your relationship during these Christmas holidays.

1. Surprise Your Partner With a Christmas Date

Take your partner on a dinner date and then book a hotel room to spice things up. Sometimes stepping out of your surroundings can put the spark back in a relationship. You don’t need to go far. If you want to take it to the next level, add a trip with the date. No one has to worry about disturbances while staying in the hotel!

2. Sexy Truth or Dare

Those of us who have played this game can attest that it really spices things up. However, try/avoid any questions that might make your partner uncomfortable.

3. Create Sexy Coupons

A fun way to spice things up is to create some coupons that your partner can cash-in to get special services. These coupons should be edgy—could be a massage or an ‘all about him’ night where you have to do whatever your partner wants. This is a win-win deal for both the partners.

4. Help Your Partner

It may not sound sexy but that’s not the point. The Christmas holidays can be a stressful time for your partner — taking care of kids, family, friends — and they may not be in the mood for a detour in bed. Get involved. Ask what you can do to help them—clean the room, do the dishes, or offer to go shopping with them. It can lift their mood.

5. Build Anticipation

It’s amazing how much better sex is when you look forward to it. We have all heard the phrase that sex starts in the morning. And it’s true. Paying attention to and prioritizing each other can satisfy our emotional needs. But showing them that we really want them, remembering them throughout the day and setting the evening on for success. Whether you use cheeky little notes to tell your partner how much you remember them or play fun guessing games, build up the excitement for the evening!

If you want to have good sex, spice things up, work on it. The notion that sex is completely natural and will occur without effort is wrong, and it certainly isn’t true for relationships that last a lifetime. Having sex increases your libido and pumps more healthy hormones into your body.

This Christmas, take a new approach to giving and receiving. Give your partner the attention and care they deserve, trust us, you will be rewarded.

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