First Time Ever, Over 3 Lakh Pilgrims Visit Amarnath Cave Shrine In Just 21 Days

SRINAGAR: Possibly for the first time in the history of the Amarnath Yatra, a record number of over 3 lakh pilgrims visited the holy cave shrine within just twenty one days of the commencement of the annual pilgrimage this year. After adding the number of pilgrims who visited today, the total number has now gone up to 3,07,354.

Sharing more details, the officials said, “The figures are testimony to the fact that the government has developed physical infrastructure of power, health, roads, sanitation and treks apart from assured transport services ranging from road transport, helipad service and pony services.”

Around thirty government departments have been involved in ensuring seamless facilities to make the pilgrims feel like home. The enhanced facilities of accommodation, food, water health care and pony service generated positive response from the traveling devotees and encouraged others to undertake the Amarnath Yatra this year.

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To make the Amarnath Yatra an experience of a lifetime for the devotees, the available resources were optimally utilized, ensuring a stress-free and tireless journey. This year, the government lit up the twin axis – Pahalgam and Baltal – from the base camps to the holy cave, helping to advance the yatra in the evening.

The construction of two state-of-the-art 100-bed hospitals for the treatment of pilgrims and all concerned is another symbol of the high level of seriousness shown by the government to claim the allied infrastructure.

In addition to other existing health infrastructure, each camp is staffed by specialist health teams who screen hundreds of pilgrims on a daily basis and provide them with medicine and advice.

As the inflow of pilgrims is increasing with each passing day, the government has ensured that transport facilities are provided to the pilgrims from Jammu to the base camps in Kashmir.

To keep a close watch on the nitty-gritty of the Yatra for smooth and peaceful operation, the government set up the Integrated Command and Control Centre, which is integrated with RFID. This data-driven science helps in effective crowd control management, traceability, prevention and management of traffic jams, apart from coordination among all stakeholders on a real-time basis.

Locals serve Kashmiri Kehwa and hot water to the pilgrims to help them fight the cold temperatures. This year the pilgrimage has become the center of attraction for the citizens of the country and abroad.

The pilgrims who visited the holy cave include two American citizens from California, a Ukrainian woman, a group of 35 Nepali nationals and a group of 30 Malaysian nationals.

The Divisional News Room and Information and Public Relations Department functioning under the supervision of Divisional Commissioner Kashmir are working in close coordination with each other to disseminate information regarding the facilities available and the satisfaction of the pilgrims.

The government expects over five lakh pilgrims to visit the holy cave dedicated to Lord Shiva this year, which will be the highest number of pilgrims ever to visit the holy cave in the history of the Amarnath Yatra.