First monkey pox case surfaced in Kolkata? Students Admitted With ‘Rash’

Doctors suspect that a student admitted to a private hospital in Kolkata may have contracted monkeypox. He had returned from a European country a few days back. The youth, a resident of West Midnapore, was admitted to a Kolkata hospital with a ‘rash’ and other symptoms on his body. The sample was sent to the National Institute of Virology (NIV) in Pune for testing as it was suspected of a monkeypox. The investigation report has not come yet. The patient has been kept in isolation. The Health Department of West Bengal will also alert the people of his house.

According to sources, a sample of one person has been sent for examination. Because the student has returned from abroad. Therefore, no risk has been taken by the health department. This is the first time in the state that a sample of monkeypox of a suspected person has been sent for examination. The blood sample of that student has been sent. Samples of fluid taken from a rash that looks like smallpox have also been sent.

This is a developing story. Awaiting more details.