First death due to Omicron Covid-19 variant recorded in UK, informs PM Boris Johnson

New Delhi: Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson said a man infected with the Omicron version of the coronavirus had died, the BBC reported. Boris Johnson said the Omicron version also resulted in hospitalizations and urged people to get their booster shots for safety.

Speaking to reporters, Boris Johnson said, “Omicron is being hospitalized and sadly there has been at least one confirmed death of a patient with Omicron. The idea that it is somehow a mild form of the virus.” version is, I think it’s something we need to set that aside and just identify the speed at which it accelerates through the population. So the best thing we can do is Have all get our boosters.”

Read | Omicron more permeable than Delta, reduces vaccine effectiveness: WHO

Boris Johnson said Omicron now accounts for 40 percent of all coronavirus cases in London. The UK is seeing the fastest circulation of the Omicron version compared to anywhere else in the world.

On Sunday, the PM set a new target of offering boosters to all adults in England by the end of December.

Boris Johnson warned of a tidal wave of the highly permeable version, saying two doses of the vaccine “simply are not enough to give us the level of protection we need”.

“The good news is that our scientists are confident that with a third dose, a booster dose, we can all get back to our level of safety,” Johnson said in a televised address.

WHO noted that the Omicron version By 9 December had spread to 63 countries. On Sunday, 1,239 new cases of Omicron were detected in the UK, bringing the total number of Omicron cases to over 3,000.

The UK’s COVID-19 alert level has been raised to level four, meaning a high or rising level of transmission for the first time since May due to the spread of Omicron.

A new study by researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Stellenbosch University in South Africa warns that between 25,000 and 75,000 people could die in the UK from the Omicron variant by April next year.

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