Fierce fire in Shimla’s Tara Devi forest: could not be controlled even after 80 hours, forest wealth and wildlife worth crores were burnt to ashes

Shimla7 hours ago

The fire could not be brought under control even after more than 80 hours in the Tara Devi forest adjoining Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh. According to the report released by the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA), the fire has caused damage in 7 km area till last evening. The fire is on all night and still.

A fire broke out in the forest of Marog adjoining Tara Devi.

A fire broke out in the forest of Marog adjoining Tara Devi.

According to SDMA, till late Saturday evening 120 ITBP personnel, 15 forest department personnel and 3 firefighters were engaged in controlling the fire, but the fire is spreading rapidly due to excessive drought. According to locals, the fire has been raging since Thursday evening. The fire department and forest department got information about it around 3 pm on Friday.

The forest fire of Taradevi is yet to be controlled.

The forest fire of Taradevi is yet to be controlled.

Forest wealth worth lakhs and hundreds of wild animals burnt to ashes due to fire
Forest wealth worth lakhs and hundreds of wild animals have been burnt to ashes by the fire. Wildlife habitats have also been destroyed. The grasslands of the local people have also been burnt to ashes due to the forest fire. Due to this the villagers will have to face the shortage of fodder for the animals in the coming days.

This is how the fire in Taradevi is seen from Shimla.

This is how the fire in Taradevi is seen from Shimla.

People of surrounding areas scared
Local people of ITBP Camp, Phail and Dhari are scared after the forest fire, as many villages are settled around the forest. If the fire is not controlled quickly, it can also engulf people’s homes.

Forest wealth worth crores is being offered to Tara Devi by fire.

Forest wealth worth crores is being offered to Tara Devi by fire.

how sensitive beat in which circle
In the last 22 days, more than 2500 hectares of forest have been burnt to ashes in more than 315 fire incidents in the state. There are total 2026 forest beats in Himachal. 339 one beat is very sensitive, 667 sensitive and 1020 beat is normal. In Bilaspur 27, Chamba 18, Dharamshala 37, Hamirpur 9, Kullu 12, Mandi 82, Rampur 35, Nahan 32, Shimla 49, Wildlife Dharamshala 17, GHNV Shamshi 9 forest beats are very sensitive. There are more incidents of forest fire in these every year.

The fire in the forest of Taradevi is slowly spreading in a large area.

The fire in the forest of Taradevi is slowly spreading in a large area.

A fire broke out this morning near Bharyal

The fire broke out again this morning near the Bharyal garbage plant adjoining Shimla. A team of fire department has rushed to the spot to douse the fire. After the fire in the forest of Taradevi for the last 80 hours, clouds of smoke are flying in the sky. This has also reduced visibility in the surrounding areas.

Plumes of smoke blowing in the lush green forest of Taradevi.

Plumes of smoke blowing in the lush green forest of Taradevi.

fire looks like this
People living near forests usually set fire to burn bushes etc. in their fields and gardens. Due to drought, the fire cannot be controlled and spread. Similarly, some people who smoke bidi-cigarettes throw them on the road without extinguishing them. Many times more than this, fire spreads in the forests.

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