Fed up with the debtors, Halvad ended his life. Rajkot News – Times of India

Rajkot: Troubled by debtors, a 60-year-old man ended his life in Halwad. The body of the deceased Manji Sonagara was taken out from the Narmada canal on Tuesday.
According to the police, Sonagra had borrowed Rs 7 lakh from Jeram Dalwadi through Naran Dalwadi and Prakash Koli. Since Sonagra was not able to repay the amount, The trio had been troubling him for some time..
Sonagara’s son told the police that a few days ago the trio had gone to his farm and forcibly bought bales of cotton at half the price. He also threatened Sonagra that he would hand over the ownership of his house to him if he failed to repay the loan.
Sonagra used to be upset due to the torture. Sonagra left the house on the afternoon of 1 November and did not return till late in the night. The family did not search for him in and around the village. On Tuesday, Sonagara’s son came to know that his father’s bike and clothes were found on the banks of a canal near their village.
The police were informed and divers were called to search for Sonagra. Sonagara’s body was found after a few hours and sent for postmortem. A case of accidental death was registered on Tuesday. The police said that they are probing the allegations leveled by Sonagra’s son and will register an offense if they find more evidence.
