Faced with public uproar and international compulsions, Pakistan resumes the Kashmir project. Specific

Is the recent turmoil in Kashmir part of Pakistan’s relentless agenda to create law and order situation in India? If sources are to be believed, Pakistan, which is facing intense domestic turmoil, will keep Kashmir’s spirits up as it tries to navigate through substantial polarization in the public following a no-confidence motion and protests against the government.

CNN-News18, which has gained access to Pakistan’s blueprint and compulsions, has learned that a major change in policy away from Kashmir’s agenda is impossible due to Pakistan’s current domestic turmoil and any reconciliation moves. India There could be a huge backlash from the public.

Sources said after the Quad meeting in Tokyo and the fourth regional security dialogue Afghanistan In Dushanbe, Pakistan and China are reviewing and observing the situation in the region and formulating a new strategy to counter the growing Indian influence.

Pakistan is also close on the heels of striking a deal with the Tehreek-e-Taliban and maintaining cordial relations with the Afghan Taliban, so there is no threat to the western (Pak-Afghan) border.

Islamabad, however, has objections with the recent visit of a diplomatic delegation to Kabul, aimed at reviving diplomatic ties between New Delhi and Kabul. There is also a possibility that America is taking India instead of Pakistan in Afghanistan.

Another bone of contention is India’s refusal to mediate third parties on the Kashmir issue. India considers the matter exclusively bilateral and former US President Donald Trump’s offer to be the mediator was not well received in New Delhi. However, India’s apparent comfort with the UAE’s role as a mediator has alerted Pakistan.

According to Pakistan, Congress member Ilhan Omar’s visit to the disputed region reflects India’s distinct discomfort with the close ties between Washington and Islamabad, while its ties with the former have grown tremendously over the past decade.

Last but not least, in the last six months, the Chief of Army Staff has visited the LoC several times and held special meetings.

To better understand Pakistan’s intention, let’s take a look at the top leadership’s key statements on the Kashmir issue:

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif

April 11, 2022: We will raise our voice for Kashmiri brothers and sisters on every platform. We will give them diplomatic and moral support. Why do we want our future generations to suffer? Let us resolve the Kashmir issue in accordance with the UN resolutions and the expectations of Kashmiris, so that we can end poverty on both sides of the border.

April 12, 2022: “Thanks Premiere Narendra Modi for the greetings. Pakistan wants peaceful and cooperative relations with India. Peaceful resolution of outstanding disputes including Jammu and Kashmir is inevitable, Pakistan’s sacrifice in fighting terrorism is well known. Let us secure peace and focus on the socio-economic development of our people.”

1 June 2022: Prime Minister Sharif said that the people of Pakistan appreciated the firm support of the Turkish leadership on the Kashmir issue. Appreciating Turkey’s unwavering support, he said Kashmiris are fighting for their legitimate rights and have been victims of Indian atrocities for more than seven decades. He also cited the efforts of the Government of India for demographic change in India’s illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto

May 10, 2022: Newly-appointed Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari wrote a letter to the United Nations, highlighting the Kashmir issue and indicating that Kashmir will continue to be the main point of discord. Pakistan’s Foreign Office said in a statement that the letter addressed to the President of the United Nations Security Council, in particular, refers to India’s alleged attempt to bring about a demographic change in Jammu and Kashmir. “These illegal measures constitute an open violation of international law,” he wrote.

May 19, 2022: He raised the issue of Jammu and Kashmir in his meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and stressed that Islamabad wants peace with all its neighbours, including India, which will remain elusive until the issue of Jammu and Kashmir is resolved. Happens.

May 19, 2022: Responding to questions during a press conference in New York, Bilawal Bhutto said, “As far as our relationship with India is concerned, it is particularly complicated by their recent actions in Kashmir – First of all August 5, 2019 decision to repeal. Recent decision of the Delimitation Commission on Jammu and Kashmir along with Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir.

May 20, 2022: He again raised the issue with US Congressman Adam Smith in a virtual meeting. Bilawal drew the attention of Congressmen in particular to the recent steps taken by India to redraw constituencies through an “illegal” delimitation process to convert the Muslim majority into a minority.

May 22, 2022: Bilawal “informed Chinese counterpart Wang Yi about the latest developments in Jammu and Kashmir”, a reference to all the “outstanding disputes” that sparked speculation whether it was the border dispute between India and China, especially the current one, for two years. Long linked to the long-standing military standoff in eastern Ladakh.

all party conference

2 June 2022: An all-party conference to consult the political leadership of the AJK on the Indian government’s “steps to transform the demographics” of the Indian government to formulate a future strategy and the current situation in the IIOJK after the Pakistan government indicted senior Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik (APC) called. So.

Qamar uz Zaman Qaira – Adviser to PM on Kashmir

PM’s advisor on Kashmir and GB Qamar uz Zaman Qaira said that the government wants to take the political leadership of AJK into confidence on the current situation in IIOJK and will formulate a strategy accordingly.

“India has issued 42 lakh domiciles to non-Kashmiris, mainly Hindus, to show Muslims as a minority in Jammu and Kashmir in future,” said Mumtaz Zahra, additional secretary for Asia Pacific at the Foreign Office.

AJK President Sultan Mahmud

AJK president barrister Sultan Mahmood said India is planning to lease land to 4,000 investors in clear violation of the status of Jammu and Kashmir.

Raja Pervez Ashraf – Speaker National Assembly

2 June 2022: National Assembly Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf said that the entire Pakistani nation is upset and strongly condemns the punishment given to Yasin Malik by the Indian courts.

DG ISPR – Spokesperson Pakistan Army Major General Babar Iftikhar

May 25, 2022: Pakistan strongly condemns the sentence of life imprisonment to Yasin Malik on a fabricated charge. Such repressive tactics cannot dampen the spirit of the people of Kashmir in their just struggle against illegal Indian occupation. We stand with UNSCRs in their quest for self-determination – DG ISPR Tweet

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