Facebook may soon get Twitter-like thread feature – Times of India

Facebook Twitter may soon add a ‘Threads’ feature to its app. feature recently. was seen by social media Advisor Matt Navarra. With the Threads feature on Facebook, you’ll be able to add another post to any previous post to create a thread. As per the screenshot shared by Navara, “All posts in a thread will have the same audience as the first post.”
According to a report in TechCrunch, Facebook is already testing Threads features with “a small group of public figures”. “Facebook explained that these threaded posts will have a “view post thread” button, which lets followers easily navigate to view all posts in the thread,” the report said.

Facebook did not provide any details about the public rollout of the Threads feature. Also, there are no details on whether Facebook will expand the feature to include more users.
On TwitterThreads are useful because of the limited number of characters and the need for people to combine posts to complete their tweets. However, on Facebook, where there is no restriction on the number of characters, Threads may function differently. “Instead of motivating long posts, Facebook threads Can be used for live commentary on events like award shows, reports TechCrunch.
Threads on Facebook can be useful for influencers, but little is known about how it might work. Meanwhile, Facebook has announced new tools for creators to earn money through Instagram. Instagram content creators will be able to earn a commission for the product their followers buy from their profile. This feature called ‘Native Affiliate Tool’ will allow creators to discover new products available at checkout.


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