Facebook apologizes for ‘primates’ label on videos of black men

New York: Facebook has apologized for labeling a video of black men a primate, according to a New York Times report.

The newspaper said the video was posted by a tabloid in June and showed black people in a brawl with white civilians and police officers. According to the Times, after the video ended, an automated message came in asking to keep watching the video about primates.

Facebook shut down the artificial intelligence feature that showed the message, the Times said, and it apologized for the unacceptable error and told the newspaper it would investigate further so that it doesn’t happen again.

Facebook did not respond to a request for comment from the Associated Press on Saturday. But a company spokesperson told the Times that even though Facebook has improved its artificial intelligence, it is “not perfect and there is more progress to be made.”

Artificial intelligence has misled people of color before. In 2015, Google apologized after a photo of two black people were labeled as gorillas.

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