Explainer: how power and ideology defined Xi’s rise in China

Xi Jinping
Image Source: AP

Members of the Communist Party of China pose with a statue of the party’s flag outside the Museum of the Communist Party of China here in Beijing, China, Friday, November 12, 2021.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping emerged this week from a party convention not only more firmly in power than ever, but with a stronger ideological and theoretical understanding on the ruling Communist Party’s past, present and future. This laid the groundwork for him to take a third five-year term as party leader at next year’s National Congress, for the likes of Mao Zedong, who founded the People’s Republic in 1949, and Deng Xiaoping, who won three opened up the economy in decades. Later.

A look at some of the meaning behind recent developments.

What is the significance of the height of XI?

Although the rules were unwritten, Xi’s two erstwhile predecessors served just two terms as party chief in keeping with the limitation of the presidency. Xi, 68, had amended the constitution to eliminate the presidential term limit and so he could remain in office until he died, stepped down, or was ousted.

Although he is the son of a former high official, a friend of both Mao and Deng, Xi reached the summit by implementing what he referred to as a hybrid economic theory of “socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era”. Although not new, Xi has made it one of his benchmarks, along with his call for the “Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation” and the “Chinese Dream” of relative prosperity.

The key to realizing those goals is to build a “two century”, namely the “relatively prosperous society” the party claims to have achieved by the 2021 century, and a “modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally and harmonized by the centenary of the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949”.

All such terms are intended to project the image that the Xi-led party has created a system that is adaptable to the times and the desire of its citizens for a better quality of life for themselves and their families and the international community. I give more respect to China.

What did the meeting do for XI?

Although already named “main leader”, Xi’s inclusion of such phrases in a resolution issued Thursday by the party’s central committee on historical questions relating to the party over the past 100 years appears to benefit Xi. This was only the third such document issued by the party; The first was under Mao in 1945, the second in 1981 under Deng. To hold such authority in the eyes of party historians and theorists certainly makes Xi one of the most influential Chinese figures of the century.

Naturally, only positive achievements are noted. Praising the party’s successes, the resolutions were less flattering periods such as the massive famine and industrial failure of the ‘Great Leap Forward’ in the late ’50s and early ’60s, the chaotic 1966–76 Cultural Revolution and the 1989 political Throws light on the turmoil. Student-led pro-democracy movement in Beijing that was crushed by the military.

What was the purpose of the meeting?

Like all meetings of the 95-million-member party’s Central Committee consisting of 400 or more top officials, this gathering was intended to achieve unity of thought and unity of purpose. Heavy in the ceremony, Xi was seated on the middle stage in a spacious room of the Great Hall of the People in the heart of Beijing. The party organizes about seven such meetings between each of its national congresses, which are held once every five years.

“By strongly upholding and supporting Secretary-General Xi’s original position, the whole party will have an anchor, the backbone of the entire Chinese people and the steady hand of the giant vessel of China’s rejuvenation,” said Jiang Jinquan, director of the United States. The Policy Research Office of the Central Committee told reporters at a briefing on Friday. “No matter what choppy waves we may face, we will always be able to stay calm and calm.”

Although Xi is almost certain to continue as party head after the Congress to be held around November next year, it is not clear how many of the other six members of the Politburo Standing Committee – who will remain at the helm of political power in China. , 2 Premier of Xi’s After Party, Li Keqiang meets age criteria to remain, although such rules allow a certain amount of flexibility.

What are the challenges ahead for XI?

Xi has no political rivals at home, but he faces a difficult economic situation and China’s “zero tolerance” approach to the COVID-19 outbreak has yet to take a toll on the personal and financial lives of many. Not stamped. China’s economy is also heavily dependent on housing sales and construction, and a major slowdown in the industry is causing panic in auto and retail sales. Financial markets are on edge over whether one of the biggest developers, Evergrande Group, could be allowed to sink 2 trillion yuan ($310 billion) into debt as a warning to others.

The economic strategy has been at times contradictory since Xi took office in 2012. The party promises to make the economy more open and competitive. At the same time, it is building up the state-owned “national champions” that dominate banking, oil and other industries, while also tightening controls on the private sector tech giants that have been China’s biggest loser of the past three decades. There are success stories.

Abroad, Xi has pursued a bold line, with the government dismissing complaints about human rights issues with his signature “belt-and-road” infrastructure initiative, For Human Rights, the uptake of rights in Hong Kong. Cuts and mass detentions and other abuses against Uighurs and members of other Muslim minority groups in the northwestern region of Xinjiang. Relations with the US are particularly strained amid China’s threats against trade, technology and Taiwan, the self-governing island that Xi has vowed to bring under Chinese control at a time some analysts believe that it is growing rapidly.

Qu Qingshan, director of the Institute of Party History and Literature, said, “With Com. Xi Jinping under the strong leadership of the Party’s Central Committee, we will rally the entire party like a piece of unbroken iron and move forward in lockstep.” said at Friday’s briefing.

Read also: CPC defends President Xi Jinping’s ‘original’ leader position, attacks US and Western democracies

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