Explained: Why modern smartphones don’t have removable batteries and how it affects consumers – Times of India

Apple started the trend of introducing non-removable batteries in phones with iPhones. Phone makers had no choice but to follow the latest trends and give up as consumers wanted more sophisticated smartphones. it was normal to have a phone removable battery until the beginning of 2010. Even laptop manufacturers gradually stopped making devices with removable batteries. Let’s discuss whether removable batteries are good for consumers. Let’s start with the benefits of non-removable batteries that have made them a necessity for modern smartphones.
Benefits of non-removable batteries
Battery and consumer safety
Batteries contain a thin electrolyte that separates the cathode and anode electrodes that store energy. The electrodes can generate a lot of heat causing a short circuit when in direct contact. In addition, this can lead to more internal thermal reactions that can eventually cause the battery to explode or burst into flames. Battery technology has evolved a lot over the years, yet they are inherently dangerous.
Removable batteries require a tough plastic case to prevent accidental damage, especially when they’re not connected to a phone. Plastic cases add to the weight and weight of the smartphone. Therefore, engineers thought of installing a permanent battery when consumers demanded a slimmer, lighter design. He made sure that the smartphones were able to protect the batteries as they are not removable.
Battery technology improvements
Modern smartphones last longer on a single charge as they come with lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries. This evolution of battery material and capacity helps the phone last a full day even after battery consumption increases thanks to a better display and more powerful chips.
The increased capacity also means users don’t need an extra battery to swap out in the middle of the day. Furthermore, the charging speed has also improved as most modern phones take less than an hour to fully charge.
breakage protection
Smartphones are getting more expensive every day as they become more sophisticated. Therefore, consumers want these devices to last longer and have a lot of protection. Consumers want these devices to withstand regular wear and tear and provide protection against occasional spills and falls.
Hence, smartphone makers have sealed the outer case to make their devices more durable. However, users lost access to replaceable batteries because they were sealed. Also, it’s tough to design a slim and lightweight device with a removable outer case.
Providing tracking capability to the device
Premium smartphones tempt thieves because they are expensive and easy to steal and resell. Not only devices, but users also lose some highly sensitive data including financial information. Hence, smartphone manufacturers allow passive phone tracking even when the device is switched off. This feature allows users to track their devices which act as a defense against smartphone theft.
However, tracking capability can be eliminated by removing the smartphone’s battery, which is its power source. It becomes impossible for thieves to remove the battery without the tools and expertise if it is sealed inside your phone case. The non-removable battery helps you track your phone if it is missing and even switch off.
Disadvantages of non-removable battery
Non-removable batteries come with a lot of advantages, yet users still lose some of the functions and features with them. Now let’s talk about some drawbacks of non-removable battery.
battery swap vs battery charge
Charging outlets and power banks take time to charge your devices, especially if they are old. For fully charging your phone you have to wait for around 15 -30 minutes even if both your power bank and smartphone have latest fast charging.
On the other hand, replacing an empty battery with a fully charged one is likely to take a minute at most. In addition, the slim spare batteries are lighter than smaller mid-sized power banks. Power banks add more weight and use up more space in your luggage.
Battery likely to swell
Smartphone battery can also swell and this problem persists even after all the advancements in battery technology. In such cases, the safety of the battery is compromised and users have to replace it immediately.
Replacing an old bloated battery with a new one is an easy process for removable batteries. But, most modern users have to take their devices to an authorized service to have it replaced as they usually come with a non-removable battery. Whenever a non-removable battery gets blown up, it forces the case to explode and can damage the protection of your phone.
Makes it harder for third party shops to repair the phone
Non-replaceable batteries give us sleek and modern devices but the design makes it harder for third party repair shops to fix broken phones. Manufacturers these days want the battery to be permanently attached to the chassis of the phone. Meanwhile, a removable battery is easy to repair.
What do consumers want?
Most consumers are happy with the non-replaceable batteries installed on their devices, but some complain about the lack of removable batteries. Losing a removable battery is a small price most consumers are willing to pay for features like a slimmer form factor and IP rating.
