Explained: What is Internet Service Provider Throttling and how it works – Times of India

You may often find that your home broadband internet speed is not correct or that you are not getting the speed that was given to you. This is probably because you have exceeded the data limit according to the plan you are subscribed to. However, there may be other reasons as well. One of such reasons could be Internet Service Provider (ISP) throttling. When your Internet Service Provider intentionally reduces your Internet speed or bandwidth without notifying you, it is called isp Throttle But the question is why do ISPs throttle the internet. Here is your answer.
Why do ISPs throttle the Internet
Generally, ISPs throttle an Internet connection to monitor or control Internet traffic on their own networking and reduce bandwidth congestion. Sometimes, they also do this to enforce data limits.
But sometimes, the throttling isn’t as bad as it sounds. If multiple customers are using the same cell tower, the ISP throttles the bandwidth so that each user has an equally powerful network.
Internet service providers throttle the Internet to evenly control network traffic and remove congestion. They also do this to slow down your connection once you exceed certain data limits.
Throttling, however, becomes suspicious when your ISP influences your internet habits and snatches benefits from you.
Here are some common causes of ISP throttling
data caps
Some Internet service providers, especially those with mobile networks, limit the amount of high-speed data each month. If you get anywhere near that cap, they start throttling, which eventually throttles your speed. An ISP must state your data limit in your plan. If you feel that your speed is decreasing, go to your app to find out if it is over your limit.
network congestion
Generally, when a network is trying to connect too many people, the ISP reduces the bandwidth to control the traffic. The move helps almost all customers in the region to get equally distributed bandwidth to stay connected.
Internet service providers also throttle your data when you try to access a certain type of data such as large files or torrents which involves a lot of bandwidth. They usually do this when their bandwidth gets affected by user activity.
How to Tell If You’re Being Throttled
It is not always clear whether a person is being strangled or not because many factors can contribute to slow internet connection. It is always best to run a test to understand if yours is being strangled. If you are getting what you are getting paid for, the test result will give you a fair idea.