Exhibition celebrating Ukrainian medics set up in Kherson | Ground Report

Kherson, the southern Ukrainian city, was one of the territories that fell early under the Russian occupation and has seen great devastation and destruction. As the war now heads into the third month, the fighting is only getting fiercer.

Amid this, a hospital in the city of Kherson is paying tribute to the doctors battling the challenges of war on the front line. A special exhibition dedicated to medics has been built at a hospital.

According to the World Health Organization, attacks on hospitals, ambulances and other health care facilities in Ukraine have increased rapidly in recent days and the country is running short of vital medical supplies, Reuters reported.

Moreover, with the failure of the humanitarian corridor in Kherson, several civilians are still trapped in the warzone. On March 3, Russia and Ukraine agreed to set up humanitarian corridors for fleeing civilians. But Ukraine alleges that Moscow has been violating the ceasefire agreement with Russian soldiers targeting ambulances and medical teams with thousands of civilians still trapped in the city.

The exhibition features rocket launchers, cartridges and military equipment along with the display of a doctor’s blood-stained coat and a doctor’s bag.The tools kept on the display are those which killed medical personnel during the war.

Speaking to India Today, Victoria , Deputy military head, Krivoy Toh region, said, “The purpose for creating this museum is to show the role of all medical professionals of the region and generally of Ukraine ..Since 2014 during the war in the east and now during full-scale war in Ukraine, we thought we will make a historic museum to remember.”

She added, “All this on display was brought from wounded soldiers and medics who came to the city and were treated in the front line.”

Humanitarian corridors

Recently, a team of 40 buses and four ambulances had reached the Osokorivka checkpoint in Kherson under the agreement between the two sides.

The Ukrainian administration alleged that Russian soldiers not only captured the vehicles there, but also kept the head of the area in custody for 24 hours. Due to the failure of this corridor, thousands of people are still trapped in Kherson, mostly women and children.

Alexander Vilkul, Military Head, Krivyvi Military Region, claimed, “At the governmental level we have agreed to a corridor but when our buses arrived at the checkpoints they were not allowed to go through.” He further claimed that the Russian forces started firing at the Ukrainian positions, which he said was a ‘violation of the international humanitarian law.’

The military head also claimed that Russian troops had been driven out 40 kilometers from the Kherson border.

Vilkul said, “There is continuous fighting at the front, the enemy is not as close as they were before. We have managed to push them back 40 km south of the city because of the heroism of our forces.”

