Exclusive: IRFU President Rahul Bose Shares His Ultimate Vision For Indian Rugby

Rahul Bose has garnered a lot of tags during his film and rugby career. He is an artist known for his varied choices in film and theatre. For those who do not know, let us tell you that Rahul is the current President of the Indian Rugby Football Union and he was also a national team player for 11 years. Describing the game as his first love, Rahul has big plans for the game and in this article, you will find out all about his ultimate vision for Indian rugby.

After serving time as a player in 2009, Rahul helped grow the game in India, especially by getting young children from underprivileged communities into the sport. In 2021, Rahul was elected as the President of Rugby India.

Talking to an English journalist from ZeeNews, Bose shared his plan with the IRFU and Indian Rugby.

1. As President, what is your long term plan for Indian rugby?

“I want to respond on behalf of the entire IRFU board. I am only its head. Our plans are for the next two to five years. Professionalize the game – pay players, central contracts and performance-based promotions.”

B. Create a path for children in all corners of India to become rugby players by: first, starting to learn the game between the ages of 8-10, second, using the game to give them better education such as seats in schools and colleges, And third, their love of the game is being rewarded by being paid fairly on par with professional adult rugby players.

C. Build a high-performance system on par with the best in the world. We are far away from there. From personalized nutrition to a national psychologist, from sports science assisted rehabilitation to an international coaching ecosystem.

D. Create properties that generate immense interest on television as well as online streaming platforms.

2. What made you fall in love with rugby?

I first fell in love with rugby at the age of 13 for all the wrong reasons. You can show all your aggression without getting punished, you can get your clothes dirty and no one will be angry, plus girls love guys who play rugby. As I grew up, I started listening to the tune and feeling the rhythm of the game. In my opinion rugby is the most poetic sport on earth. It has also given me some of my best friends. When you do something stupid on the field and a teammate slams their body between you and you have to go to the hospital, that’s the kind of friend you want to keep for a lifetime. While by nature I am an individualist, rugby taught me to be a team player: the hard way. Later, after several visits to the hospital, I realized that if you have to get ahead in this game, you can only get ahead together. I can’t think of a more valuable life lesson than that.

3. Can you tell us more about Rugby India’s broadcast deal with Fancode and how do you see the deal benefiting the game in India?

“Rugby India’s broadcast deal with Fancode is the next logical step in taking the sport deeper and wider in India. Through this relationship, we hope to attract not only rugby lovers but lovers of any sport to the game The association with Fancode will certainly create data on the ‘why, what, where and who’ of India watching and following the game online. We see this as the first in a series of steps that will take rugby over the next two years Hopefully it will become one of the top five games on the top of every Indian sports fan’s mind.”

Yannick Colaco, Co-Founder, Fancode, said, “We are delighted to partner with Rugby India to drive the growth of the game in our country. Rugby is gaining popularity, and we are committed to developing an ecosystem that allows We see immense potential for one that meets the needs.” players, fans and the wider rugby community. We will deliver a seamless digital experience for rugby enthusiasts, enabling them to connect, engage and embrace the sport like never before.