EXCLUSIVE: Handwriting Changes Reveals Vital Clues Indicating Parkinson’s- Spot 3 Telltale Signs

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects the elderly over the age of 60. However it can also affect young people and the main motor features are bradykinesia (slowing of movements), rigidity (stiffness), tremor and loss of balance.
There are non-motor features such as constipation, sleep disturbances, depression, psychosis and memory disturbances which are mostly seen in the later part of the disease.

In an exclusive chat with Zee English, Dr Guruprasad H, Senior Consultant Neurologist at Manipal Hospital, talks about unusually common signs like changes in handwriting and signature that may indicate the onset of Parkinson’s disease.

Dr. Guruprasad says, “Usually one part of the body is initially affected in the form of slowness, stiffness or tremor in either upper limb or lower limb. While tremors are visible to the patient or family members, slowness or stiffness is not clear in the early stages of the disease.”

“These patients may present as a change in handwriting, especially small letters (micrographia), slowness in activities of daily living such as combing, brushing, decreased swing of the hand while walking to one side, etc. Initially Stiffness on one side may occur in Parkinson’s disease. In the form of pain in the shoulder (usually diagnosed as frozen shoulder), dragging of the leg when walking to the side, etc., the volume of speech may be reduced (hypophonia). With decreased facial expression (masked face), “Dr. Guruprasad comments.

After a few years, gait may be affected with short steps, slowness and shuffling, sometimes with chills and falls. The above symptoms need to be monitored and a movement disorder specialist or neurologist should be consulted for proper identification of the underlying condition i.e. Parkinson’s disease, proper diagnosis and treatment.

early onset parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a movement disorder that primarily affects locomotion, making body movements including walking slow and stiff. Initially, the disease affects one side of the body and gradually progresses to the other side.

In most cases, about 90%, Parkinson’s disease progresses over time, and only about 10% of individuals have mild symptoms. After 4–5 years of treatment, Parkinson’s patients usually develop motor complications such as fluctuations and hallucinations.

Parkinson’s disease can have functional consequences that affect employment, writing, and driving skills. Additionally, many people with Parkinson’s disease experience non-motor symptoms such as sleep disturbances, pain, depression, anxiety, constipation, and dementia, depending on the stage of the disease. Borrowing should be done to deal with these situations.

Families are also always advised to provide mental and physical support to those struggling with Parkinson’s disease. These individuals may need help with daily activities such as taking frequent medications and assistance with eating if they have difficulty swallowing.

common signs of parkinson’s disease

The signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease appear gradually. They often begin with a slight tremor in one arm and a sensation of stiffness throughout the body. Other symptoms appear over time, and some people may eventually get dementia.

Abnormalities in handwriting, signing and walking are among the early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Micrographia, or changes in handwriting, is often one of the earliest symptoms in people with Parkinson’s disease. It is characterized by a gradual decrease in the size of the handwriting and can make writing difficult or even impossible.

Signature changes are also common in Parkinson’s disease, and people may notice that their signature becomes smaller, more crowded, or less legible over time. This is because the disease can affect the fine motor control needed for writing and signing.

Movement abnormalities, such as shuffling, reduced hand movement, or difficulty moving, are also common in Parkinson’s disease. These motor symptoms can make it difficult to walk, balance and perform daily activities, and can also lead to falls.

It is important not to ignore these symptoms because early diagnosis and treatment can help slow disease progression and improve quality of life.

parkinson’s disease treatment

While there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, medications and other treatments can help manage symptoms and improve function. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to speak with a health care professional, as they can provide proper evaluation and diagnosis.