Everything You Need to Know About a Pulse Oximeter Before Buying One

second wave of novels coronavirus In May and June this year, there was a huge jump in the demand for oxygen beds and cylinders in many parts of the country.

COVID-19 patients often require oxygen support, so oximeters, which were commonly used by doctors, have now become a necessity for everyone. Oximeters have become an essential part of many home first aid kits and this is because they are easy to use, low cost, and do a great job at detecting low blood oxygen levels.

What is this?

A pulse oximeter consists of a monitor and includes a battery and a display. This is a small device that uses infrared light reflection to measure oxygen levels in the body.

As reported by The Hindu, there are two important readings. The first is the pulse rate and the reading is recorded as beats per minute. The second is the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in arterial blood, which is recorded as SpO2. Normal readings vary from 95% to 100%. If the recording is low, the user should get medical help.

How can it be used?

It is usually tied to the users’ index finger to sense their pulse and, depending on the model, some are also used on the users’ big toe or ear lobe. According to the World Health Organization’s Pulse Oximetry Training Manual, it should be used with patience and once it is clipped, it requires at least 10 seconds to get an accurate reading.

Things to remember when buying one:

There are many oximeters of different brands available in the market. However, one must check it carefully while buying from an e-commerce platform.

Buying it from a pharmacy would be a wise choice. Many pharmacies in India have associated with the authorized medical device sub-industry to provide reliable and cost effective pulse oximeters. Among other names, some India-made pulse oximeters are OxiSat, Ambitec, or Home Medics.

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