‘Everyone onboard is safe’: Russian Embassy on alleged bomb scare on Moscow-Goa flight

Jamnagar: The Russian Embassy has issued a statement after a flight from Moscow to Goa was diverted to Gujarat following a bomb threat on Monday. The embassy said it was alerted by the Indian authorities about reports of an alleged bomb on an Azur Air flight from Moscow to Goa. “The Embassy was alerted by Indian authorities about a rumor of an alleged bomb on an Azur Air flight from Moscow to Goa. The aircraft made an emergency landing at Jamnagar Indian Air Force Base. All on board are safe; officials inspect the aircraft are doing,” the Russian embassy said in a statement.

The Russian embassy’s statement came soon after the Moscow-Goa flight was diverted to Gujarat’s Jamnagar, a step taken after the Goa air traffic controller received a bomb threat on Monday.

The Moscow-Goa chartered flight was diverted to Jamnagar in Gujarat after Goa ATC received a bomb threat. Airport officials said, “The aircraft is in the isolation bay.”

According to Jamnagar Airport Director, “A total of 244 passengers on board the flight landed safely at Jamnagar (Defence) Airport at 9:49 PM. Presently, the aircraft and baggage are under isolation/security.” Jamnagar District Magistrate Saurabh Parghi said that all 244 passengers and crew members on board the Goa-bound Moscow chartered flight have been safely evacuated.

“The aircraft landed safely and all 236 passengers and 8 crew members are on board. All 244 people on board have been safely evacuated and directed to the lounge of the airport terminal building,” he added. “The operation to locate and defuse the bomb at the airport is underway,” he said.

Sharing more details, Jamnagar Collector said, “We received information about a bomb in Moscow-Goa flight, which has been diverted to Jamnagar. There are 236 passengers and 8 crew members in the flight. Have been evacuated safely and are still safe. Airport lounge. Bomb detection and disposal underway.”

Jamnagar collector Saurabh Parghi said, “Security agencies have cordoned off the airport for 9 hours. The aircraft and passengers have been thoroughly checked. Passengers’ baggage is being checked and details are being verified.” ”

The aircraft made an emergency landing at the Jamnagar Indian Air Force base. He also said that he had received information about a bomb on a flight from Moscow to Goa and hence the flight was diverted to Jamnagar.