Everyday Health: What is Hybrid Immunity? Can people who have been vaccinated after a COVID infection have it?

A year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our collective lives, our society continues to grapple with fear and insecurity. As a result, we have seen misinformation spread like wildfire, and many people resort to bizarre and wrong ways of dealing with the virus. With this column, which will be published every Sunday, we aim to address any health or vaccine-related questions that our readers may have. coronavirus global pandemic.

In this week’s column, Prof. (Dr.) Vikas Bhatia, Executive Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bibinagar, Telangana, talks about hybrid immunity, and how it affects our antibodies.

Why are some countries like Cuba vaccinating children under the age of two?

According to a UNICEF report, children in Latin American countries have lost four times more school days than other children around the world. Schools are being run virtually in the island nation, where children are asked to watch educational programs on television for the past 1.5 years. Uninterrupted internet facility is hardly available in every household.

Therefore, to expedite the process of getting students back to classes in person, the Cuban government and the Cuban Medicines Regulatory Agency (CECMed) have authorized the emergency use of the home vaccine Sobrana 2 for minors aged 2 to 18 years. Although not recognized by WHO, local scientists say they are safe and effective; However, health experts around the world have criticized the act as too hasty.

What is gallbladder gangrene? Why are patients recovering from COVID facing this?

Gallbladder gangrene is caused by severe inflammation of the gall bladder and subsequent tissue death. Typically, they occur in the gallbladder that contains gallstones. But you have a higher risk of calculous cholecystitis (inflammation without stones) if you have a weakened immunity or a serious injury. This is what is happening in the case of people with a history of COVID 19. They present with typical symptoms of fever, nausea and upper quadrant pain in the abdomen.

Usually, those patients who are facing some kind of co-morbidity, steroid use and recovery from COVID are facing it because of high level of inflammation increasing it due to virus attack. Experts also say that after the lungs, the gastrointestinal tract has the most ACE2 receptors to which the virus binds. Therefore, it is very important to watch for the warning symptoms in order to be able to start medications immediately.

Are there medicines to deal with COVID fatigue? Should people seeing COVID fatigue not go to work?

Fatigue is a common feature of recovery after every viral illness. However, COVID fatigue is more exhausting and severe. Therefore, it is more important to follow safety protocols to avoid additional infections; Exercise becomes easier with light exercise and frequent rest, nutritious diet, hydration and mental relaxation. Avoiding work altogether can create an overall imbalance and hinder the road to recovery. Instead, it would be better to take things lightly, once a day with more breaks.

Does COVID 19 impair our cognitive abilities in the long run? how so?

Collected evidence suggests that mild brain damage directly caused by encephalitis in COVID survivors can lead to subtle cognitive, behavioral and psychological problems. But, remarkably, some reports have suggested oxygen deprivation as the cause, although his autopsy showed no such signs of brain injury.

What is Hybrid Immunity? Do people who have received vaccines after recovering from a COVID infection have this type of immunity?

The combination of natural immunity from infection and immunity from a vaccine triggers memory cells, resulting in a stronger type of protection. It is much stronger than just infection or mere vaccination and is called herd/supernatural immunity

What kind of exercise regimen should be followed after recovery?

Much depends on the relationship to the particular diseases, if any. Therefore, take rest for 3-4 weeks post-COVID until the respiratory symptoms subside and gradually start with low-intensity exercise, focusing on monitoring the breath. It is very important to focus on what you can do and thus, starting slow is the best option.

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