Everyday Health: Here’s why asymptomatic COVID in children is a cause for concern

A year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our collective lives, our society continues to grapple with fear and insecurity. As a result, we have seen misinformation spread like wildfire, and many people resort to bizarre and wrong ways of dealing with the virus. With this column, which will be published every Sunday, we aim to address any health or vaccine-related questions that our readers may have. coronavirus global pandemic.

In this week’s column, Dr. Zahid Hussain MBBS, DCH, DNB, MRCPCH (UK) and Consultant Pediatrician (Ladakh) talks about the geographical areas hindering the spread of COVID awareness in Ladakh and discusses how breastfeeding can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Increases the immunity of children against – 19.

Are children at risk of suffering from prolonged COVID?

So far it has been seen that Kovid-19 does not have much effect on children. In the majority of cases, it causes mild or asymptomatic disease. No long-term effects have been observed.

How does coronavirus affect children under the age of 12? Why are they not currently eligible for the vaccine?

Both the third and fourth national serosurveies showed that although these children are just as susceptible to catching the infection as adults, the disease remains asymptomatic or mild, with most children experiencing mild flu-like symptoms such as cold, cough, fever, diarrhea, vomiting. Symptoms develop. e.t.c.

Because adults are more likely to develop serious disease, they were previously vaccinated. The government gave priority to people above 60 years of age and those with comorbidities as they are more susceptible to serious illness and hospitalisation. The mortality rate is also very high in this age group.

But many vaccine manufacturers are already studying the safety and efficacy of vaccines in children. And it is expected that soon the vaccine will be available for children too.

How can a child’s diet affect their COVID immunity? Which food should they avoid?

A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for good health and well being. Breastfeeding is likely to boost babies’ immunity against COVID-19. There is no data to suggest which foods should be avoided to reduce the effects of Covid19.

Are asymptomatic COVID children a cause for concern? Do people with asymptomatic COVID suffer from prolonged COVID?

Yes, asymptomatic COVID-19 continues to be a cause of concern especially among children as they are known as super spreaders. Generally, children do not strictly follow COVID-19 prevention measures so that they can catch and spread the infection to others. Asymptomatic COVID is unlikely to have any long-term effects.

What are the new COVID symptoms in children specifically for the Delta version?

The Delta version is more contagious to everyone, including children. In children, the common symptoms we have seen are headache, sore throat, runny nose and fever. Cough and loss of smell are however less common.

How difficult is it to spread awareness about COVID among parents in a place like Ladakh?

Yes, due to geographical constraints it has become difficult to spread awareness among parents and general public about COVID-19 in children. But with the constant efforts of the health department, other organizations and public participation, the situation has improved a lot.

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