Europe floods death toll exceeds 180, rescuers dig deeper – Times of India

BERLIN: The death toll from floods in Western Europe topped 180 on Sunday as rescue workers dug deeper into the rubble left behind by receding waters.
Police imposed a toll from the Ahrweiler area of ​​West Germany Rhineland-Palatinate state at more than 110 and said he feared the number could still rise. In Germany’s most populous neighboring North Rhine-Westphalia state, 45 people, including four firefighters, were confirmed dead. And Belgium has confirmed 27 casualties.
chancellor Angela Merkel was due to travel fault, a village near Ahrweiler which was devastated by the flood, later Sunday. His visit comes after Germany’s president visited the region on Saturday and made it clear that he would need long-term support.
Finance Minister Olaf Scholzo He said he would propose a package of immediate aid cabinet Meeting on Wednesday, telling Bild Sunday The newspaper reported that more than 300 million euros ($354 million) would be needed. And he said the authorities should begin to set up a reconstruction program that, from the experience of the previous floods, would amount to billions of euros.
Although rain has stopped in the worst-affected areas of Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, storms and rain have continued in other parts of western and central Europe. Flooding occurred Saturday night in the Germany-Czech border region, across the country where floods hit last week, and in the southeast corner of Germany and along the border in Austria.
At least 65 people were evacuated to safety after the Aceh river flooded in Germany’s Berchtesgaden area. At least one person died.
A flash flood hit the nearby Austrian city of Helen late Saturday night, but no casualties were reported.
Heavy rain and storms caused severe damage in many parts of Austria.
Climate scientists say the link between extreme weather and global warming is unmistakable and the urgency to do something about climate change is undeniable.
Scientists can’t yet say for certain whether climate change caused the flooding, but they say it certainly exacerbated the extreme weather shown around the world.


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