English Language Day 2023: History, Significance and Quotes to Share

published by, Nibandh Vinod

Last Update: April 23, 2023, 06:00 AM IST

English Language Day 2023: The date - April 23 was chosen to coincide with William Shakespeare's birthday, (Representational Image: Shutterstock)

English Language Day 2023: The date – April 23 was chosen to coincide with William Shakespeare’s birthday, (Representational Image: Shutterstock)

English Language Day aims to promote multilingualism and encourage the use of English as a means of communication, especially in a world that is becoming more globalized with each passing day.

English Language Day 2023: English Language Day is an annual observance. Marked on 23 April, the day is a poignant reminder of the important role of language in promoting cultural exchange and bringing people together. It also honors and celebrates the achievements of each of the six working languages ​​of the United Nations. It emphasizes the need to develop fluency in the English language, which opens avenues for education, business and personal development in a world that is increasingly interconnected.

English Language Day aims to promote multilingualism and encourage the use of English as a means of communication, especially in a world that is becoming more globalized with each passing day.

English Language Day: History

In 2010, the Department of Global Communications decided to celebrate 23 April as English Language Day. UNESCO established the annual festival to promote the use of the English language as a means of international communication and to celebrate its cultural heritage.

The date – April 23 – was chosen to coincide with the birthday of world-renowned playwright and poet William Shakespeare, who is regarded as one of the most important figures in the development of the English language.

The establishment of English Language Day was part of UNESCO’s efforts to promote multilingualism and cultural diversity, recognizing the importance of language in bridging cultural gaps and facilitating global communication. Activities and events organized around the world include educational symposia, cultural exhibitions, language competitions and other initiatives aimed at promoting the use of the English language and celebrating its cultural heritage.

English Language Day: Significance

The day is of great importance as it promotes the use of English as an important tool for effective communication and cultural exchange. The language is widely spoken around the world and is accepted as the primary language for international diplomacy, trade and communication.

The observance of this day underlines the importance of learning and mastering the English language in order to participate effectively in the global community, expand one’s knowledge and make use of the opportunities it provides.

Celebrating English Language Day provides a platform to promote the diversity and richness of this language and its cultural heritage, and to encourage individuals to use the language as a means of understanding and building relationships with people from different cultures and backgrounds. encourages.

English Language Day: Quotes to Share

  1. “The English language is nobody’s exclusive property. It is a property of the imagination: it is a property of the language itself.” , derek walcott
  2. “Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” Rita Mae Brown
  3. “To have a second language is to have a second soul.” , charlemagne
  4. “English is not a language. Three languages ​​pretend to be one by wearing a trenchcoat.” , unknown
  5. “The English language is like a broad river on whose banks a privileged few are privileged to stand. On the other hand the vast majority of humanity stands on its opposite bank.” , Cyril Connolly

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