Engineer husband decorates like a woman: Indore woman says – does not make a relationship, sleeps separately; Injury to private part too

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  • Sleeps separately from wife, has pain in genitals, now court said husband should give 30 thousand rupees a month ‘My husband wears a hair band, bindiya, wears earring on his forehead in the evening, and lipstick on his lips decorates with. Leaves me and goes to another room and sleeps alone.

Indore2 hours agoWriters: Kapil Rathore

‘My husband wears a hair band, bindiya, earring on his forehead as soon as evening falls, and adorns it with lipstick on his lips. Leaving me, he goes to another room and sleeps alone. The wife has accused the husband of living like a woman. Giving evidence in the court, the wife said that both my husband and I are residents of Mahalaxmi Nagar in Indore.

The woman told that we both had an affair for two years before marriage. Despite being of different caste, the family got married. After marriage, I moved to Pune with my husband. On going there, it came to know that the husband lives with some youths. All the people of this group live like women.

woman presented evidence in court

The woman said, I told this to my family. The family asked to come to Indore. But the husband insisted on staying in Pune. One day after doing makeup, they came to me and hurt my genitals. When I told this to the family, the family called me to Indore. After this behavior of the husband, the wife filed a case against the engineer husband in the police station. Along with this, a petition was filed in the court. In which the husband was told to make up like a woman in the night. It was told that he goes to sleep in a different room without making a relationship. The victim also gave evidence against her husband during this period. In which the court gave its verdict in the case on Thursday.

Love marriage happened after two years of affair
Advocates Krishna Kumar Kunhare and Ishwar Kumar Prajapati told in the district court that the 26-year-old victim, resident of Mahalaxmi Nagar, Lasudia, was married on April 29, 2018, to Mahalaxmi Nagar, a 32-year-old engineer resident of Dileshwar, Indore itself. Shortly after the marriage, the mother-in-law, sister-in-law, along with her husband, used to taunt the victim. In this case, the victim lodged a case against the husband, mother-in-law and sister-in-law in the women’s police station. In which the husband also had to go to jail.

Forcibly left Indore from Pune
The husband took the victim to Pune. Here he started demanding money for small needs. In an argument, he got angry and went to sleep in another room. Then he did not even have relations like husband and wife. In 2020, he left Indore to his wife citing the ill health of his sister.

Women and Child Development Department investigated
The wife also presented some evidence in front of the court through lawyers. The investigation was done by the Department of Women and Child Development. This investigation report was also presented in the court.

Now 30 thousand rupees will have to be given every month
In this case, the court has ordered the husband to pay 30 thousand rupees per month. The court has issued this order in relation to giving it from March 5, 2021.

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