Emergency landing of Army’s AI-1123 helicopter in Jind: flew from Bathinda to Delhi, landed in Jajanwala’s fields after a technical snag

Jind4 minutes ago

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An Army helicopter had to make an emergency landing due to a technical snag on Sunday morning in Jajanwala village of Jind, Haryana. The helicopter had flown from Bathinda to Delhi and four army personnel, including the pilot, were present in it. A huge crowd of villagers started gathering on the spot. Meanwhile, Narwana police also reached the spot. The technical unit of the army has been called to the spot.

The AI-1123 helicopter of the Indian Army was passing over the village Jajanwala on Sunday afternoon. At the same time, there was a technical fault in it. Due to which the pilot of the helicopter landed him safely in the field of Jabar Singh, a resident of village Jajanwala. There was no damage of any kind to the helicopter nor to any of the jawans aboard.

Seeing the helicopter landing in the fields, a large number of villagers reached the fields. At the same time, after getting the information, the Sadar police station Narwana police reached the spot. It is said that four army personnel including the pilot were present in the helicopter. At present, the technical unit of the army has been informed and is waiting for its arrival.

SP Kuldeep Singh said that the emergency landing of the army helicopter has taken place in the fields. The jawan and the helicopter aboard are safe. There is no report of any damage. Police force has been sent to the spot.

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