Elon Musk unveils ‘Tesla Bot’: a five-foot-8 humanoid robot that will use Tesla AI

Tesla CEO Elon Musk On Thursday it said it would likely launch a prototype of a “humanoid robot”.Tesla Boto“Next year, saying that the robot will eliminate “dangerous, repetitive, boring tasks.” Musk said at the company’s AI Day event on Thursday, August 19 that the human-like robot would have “profound implications for the economy.” Tesla unveils Event chips. In-house for its supercomputer, Dojo, to train its automated driving system. Musk said dojo Will be operational next year. A few years ago, Musk asked Tesla engineers to “design a superfast training computer and that’s how we started Project Dojo,” Tesla director Ganesh Venkataraman said at an AI Day event.

NS Tesla The bot will use the same AI that is used in Tesla cars. It will be a 5-foot-8 robot that weighs 125 pounds (56.7 kg) and will be built with “lightweight materials.” Understand the environment It will also have a screen to display the information. The Tesla bot was revealed after a 90-minute presentation detailing some of the artificial intelligence upgrades Tesla was making to its AI and Dojo supercomputers. The Dojo supercomputer will help train Tesla cars to navigate city streets without human assistance.

During the presentation, Elon Musk made sure to point out that humans can outrun a Tesla bot and “overpower” it. Tesla and SpaceX CEOs have in the past expressed their opinion against robots, which can increase the risk of AI.

Musk also explained how the Tesla bot could change the future of work as well. “Essentially, in the future, physical work will be an option. If you want to do it, you can, but you won’t need to,” he said during the presentation.

(with inputs from Reuters)

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